Uplifting Blog

How to Sustain an Exceptional Service Culture


As a leader, a big part of your job is to sustain the focus and enthusiasm of your team.

This is especially important when it comes to customer service, because serving well can be emotionally draining. Your team needs YOU to help them recharge and stay motivated to keep serving better.

You can do this by educating your team members; recognizing good performance; modelling the behavior and mindset you want to see; and acknowledging when team members step up and take initiative.

You can do all this on an ad hoc basis… but the best leaders ALSO build a set of rituals and practices that keep their teams charged up and eager to serve better every day.

So take a moment to think about what it’s like to work for you now – and how you could change up your team’s routines to help sustain their enthusiasm for service. Watch the video for more ideas…

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Rule number seven in the Seven Rules of Service Leadership is sustain focus and enthusiasm for Uplifting Service. Let’s face it, there are a lot of things in daily working life that can distract people from service. There are a lot of things that can kind of push people back and slow people down. It’s like sand in the gears. Your job is not only to remove the roadblocks, not only to promote the common language, but sustain that focus and enthusiasm over time. So, what are some ways that you can do that? Well, when you educate people, that promotes it. When you recognize the people, pat on the back, that promotes it. When you are a great role model, that promotes it. When you take the lead and you acknowledge other people when they take the lead, that promotes and sustains the enthusiasm for service. Every organization, every part of the world, every industry has certain rituals and practices and protocols for the way we do things, right? Think about you and what it’s like to work for you. What is it like to come to work on a Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday in this part of the world? And is there a morning kick off? Is there an end-of-the-day huddle? or is there a mid-week acknowledgment? Is there an end-of-the-week celebration? or is it just “Go to work, do your job.” Hours and numbers, do more. I mean, beyond this, what could you do? Or could you do better? That would help sustain focus and enthusiasm of what we’re asking people to do, which is taking action to create more value for someone else. And someone has to be paying attention to taking action to create value for them and that person’s job.

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Ron Kaufman
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