Is your organization creating value with every interaction? Service is taking action to create value for someone else. In this case, we are talking about your organization’s customers.
But here’s where the tricky part comes in… Different people value different things. And the same people sometimes value different things at different times! This is why using standard scripts and procedures in customer interactions can make the customer experience worse!
Here’s what to do instead: Educate and empower your team members to understand the unique needs of every individual they serve and adjust the service they provide in a way that enhances the customer experience.
Organizations who foster this kind of service environment create richer, more meaningful customer experiences, resulting in loyal customers for life.
Watch this video from Ron’s keynote at NICE CXOne to learn more!
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Now, the action steps that you take are intended, as we said, to create more value.
But you know what?
There’s a tricky situation in the world, and you face it all the time in contact centers because different people value different things.
That’s the problem with using just standard scripts and procedures.
You’ve got to, as Chris said, empower your agents so that they have a certain amount of flexibility to listen carefully to what a particular customer is asking for, how their sentiment is, or what words they are using.
And of course, AI tools are going to help many of us do that.
But even then, you don’t just want to flash a script in front of an agent—you want the agent themselves to become increasingly sensitive to detecting and discerning:
What is it that would be the right next thing I could offer, do, say, change in my voice, propose, or make a new offer about that would create more value?