Uplifting Blog

How Your Employees Can Drive Business Innovations That Pay Off


There are lots of recommendations out there for increasing employee loyalty and reducing turnover. But here’s something organizations often overlook: their own employees’ creativity and innovation.

Of course, to rely on your team’s ingenuity, you need to create an organizational culture that encourages, educates, and supports everyone to continuously generate and implement new ideas.

So how do you develop a team like that?? Start with service excellence! Outstanding service requires your team to be agile, flexible, and always on the lookout for ways to increase the value they offer their customer. And once they have the knack of continuous service improvement, their ideas and innovations will create efficiencies, improvements, and wins throughout the business.

Watch the video to see a stellar example of an employee-driven initiative that produces big benefits for the entire organization.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

So LUX* in the  second year changed the focus. Innovate to increase the loyalty of team members. Let me give you one example of the 240 ideas that they got. One. Have you ever heard of that thing  where you bring your kid to work?  What do they call it? You know, dads and daughters or sons in my… you know, bring your child to work so your child can see. And it’s obviously for kids of a certain age range. Well, they decided to do that with a twist. In the morning, the parents came and brought their kids and everybody met together.  And then they exchanged kids. So, you took my daughter and she took your son, and I got your son. And so your kid came with me, my daughter went with you  and your son went with her. And went off for the day. At lunch time, we all got back together again, shared stories and changed again. At the end of the day, we all got back together. And now your son has seen two departments that are different than your department, from two of your colleagues that you work with every day. And you’ve gotten to know two kids of your colleagues. Guess what happened. All the parents that were involved in that program, their retention as members of the team at the resort, stuck like glue. You know why? Their kids would not let them quit. They’d get a job offer somewhere else,  but know that if they left “Yeah, but, Dad, what about Frankie?” You know?  “What about Sally who works in food and beverage? She’s so great. I love her.” And so that whole connection.

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Ron Kaufman
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