Uplifting Blog

How Your Team Can Take the Lead on Customer Service


Who should take the lead on making the biggest changes in your organization?

If you said “leadership” or “the CEO”… you might be overlooking something essential.

Here’s what I mean: Any organizational transformation requires strong, aligned leadership. But everyone in your organization has a role to play. And nowhere is that more true than with customer service.

Your leadership is essential to build a self-sustaining culture of exceptional customer service, but strong service cultures thrive when EVERYONE takes the lead. That means educating and supporting your team to find new ways to improve the customer experience and to step up and take the lead whenever they see an opportunity to serve better.

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Now, leadership can be expressed at any level.

You don’t have to be somebody who’s the managing director, the CEO, or the executive vice president in order to take the lead in service. Why do I say that? Well, certainly people who are in that position have a lot of ability, a lot of authority, a lot of position to be able to lead the organization. But is it also possible for someone who’s at the front line to take the lead in responding to a customer’s situation and say, “I’ll be your champion for that inside the bank.” Is that possible? Absolutely. And they don’t need to be the boss.

Is it possible for anyone to take the lead in setting the mood for their department for the day? Right? Can’t you just deliberately walk in one day and say, “Good morning, How are you? Nice to see you.” People may think you’re a little strange, but you could actually Take the lead. You don’t need to be the leader in order to take the lead in service. Very, very important point.

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Ron Kaufman
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