Uplifting Blog

Organizational Culture Change Is Never Complete

When there is a desire to change organizational culture, a forward-thinking mindset is essential. By laying out plans for today, tomorrow and a month or a year down the road, positive changes can be implemented for long-term success.

Singapore is a small country, always looking for new ways to expand, grow and succeed. That requires a commitment to organizational culture change and a constant stream of creative policies and innovative, fresh ideas.

A high-powered panel of financial industry players was convened to help open up the financial sector. Their mission was to propose new ways of stimulating investment and development in the banking, securities, insurance and fund management industries.

The charter to this group was especially open-minded and demanding. At a press conference introducing the panel members, one leading government official said:

“If we implement all the recommendations your panel comes up with, then you have not succeeded. You must go further, giving us ideas and suggestions beyond what we are ready to implement at this time.”

What a powerful way to ask for – and demand – “over the horizon” thinking that can lead to organizational culture change for future success.

Key Learning Point For Organizational Culture Change

To keep your organizational culture vibrant and evolving, you must consider ideas that are well beyond what makes sense right now. You must look ahead today, look beyond tomorrow and look “over the horizon” for the future. Successful organizational culture change demands forward thinking.

Action Steps For Organizational Culture Change

The next time you seek a truly fresh perspective, challenge your team to create proposals beyond what makes sense today. If they offer only practical suggestions you can implement right away, they’ve failed. If they force you to a higher plane to see what might be in the future, they – and you – have succeeded. Foresight keeps businesses growing and thriving.


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Copyright, Ron Kaufman. Used with permission. Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for upgrading customer service and uplifting service culture. He is author of the bestselling “Uplifting Service” book and founder of Uplifting Service. To enjoy more customer service training and service culture articles, visit www.RonKaufman.com.

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