Uplifting Blog

Improve Your Customer Service By Focusing on Perception Points


What’s the secret to creating customer experiences that your customers adore – and want to share with others? Change your perspective!

Here’s what I mean… Your customers’ opinion of your service quality depends on their perception of the experience. And that means the whole experience. Sights, sounds, smells, flavors… it all affects your customer’s opinion.

So if you want to improve the customer experience, you have to see it through their eyes, When you do, you’ll uncover dozens – even hundreds – of tiny opportunities to create big improvements to the customer experience. Check out the video for some real-life examples…

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Now, Changi Airport is not the only airport that’s leading right now. That’s from JFK. John F. Kennedy Airport, New York. Does that look to you like a friendly sign? What is it saying? I’m going to take your car. Right. You’re in trouble, buddy. And then I was in Croatia, and I saw this sign at the airport. Now, look, I don’t read Croatian, but I kind of got an idea of what they were saying. And then I was at London Heathrow Airport, and they got it right.

Now, you’ve got to understand, this is an official airport authority sign. If an official airport authority, you know, like the security people, right, can understand the perception and the experience of someone else who’s not even the passenger. And the British, no less. Are you British? No. I was going to give you a kiss, but, okay. And goodbye. You get my point.

Now, this one is an Indian example. I was in Bangalore and I was in a hotel, and I’m looking down in the morning. Those are my feet. And the LCD panel doesn’t work on the bathroom scale. So I’m actually a good customer if there’s a problem, because I always want to help.

So I called the housekeeping department and I said, “Hi. Listen, when the housekeeper comes in today to service my room, would you ask them to put in a new battery on the bathroom scale?” And the lady said, “Oh, the bathroom scale is solar powered.” I said, “But it’s in the bathroom.” She said, “Right. That’s why it doesn’t work.” I said, “Well, what am I supposed to do?” She said, “When you go out today, put it by the window. It’ll work when you come back.”

Incredible India. I love it.

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Ron Kaufman
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