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Increase Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty with the Four Categories of Value


What matters most to your customers? This is question worth asking… but it’s also kind of a trick. That’s because your customers are all different… and they all value different things at different times.

That’s why you need to consider how to add value in all four categories that matter to your customers. That means improving your product and your delivery systems, while also investing in a better service mindset and ongoing relationships with your customers.

This allows you to serve better, make your customers happier, and earn more loyalty and repeat business. Plus it gives your organization a set of advantages that your competitors cannot easily duplicate OR commoditize. Which means that in creating more value for your customer, you’re also creating more value for the organization! Watch the video to learn more…

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So let’s look closely at this again. You have four categories where you can create value. One of them is your primary product. The main reason people come to you for service. For example, Lazada includes the wonderful Redmart grocery shopping platform. And my wife loves to shop here because of the incredible range and the excellent product descriptions, and the very affordable prices. And of course, there’s also value created in the delivery system, which is all of what you use to get the products to the people. For example, on the Redmart platform, they remember everything my wife has purchased, so the next time she goes, it’s that much easier to purchase again.

Lazadiands, you’ll understand just how much the delivery system is a fundamental part of the value that you create and the way that you take good care of your sellers and your buyers. You’ve got this wonderful, easy to use platform that is constantly being improved. You’ve got the first mile where sellers come and drop off their packages, and then you’re responsible for that reliable second mile that makes on-time convenient deliveries to buyers.

Our third category of value is the Service Mindset. Now, most people only think of this category when you say the word service, which is why when you say to folks “Service”, they think of a waiter in a restaurant. But today, you understand that service is taking action to create value, and you can create value in all of these different categories, including Service Mindset, which is the way you meet, treat and greet other people. And of course, sometimes that is done face to face. For example, the iconic Singapore girl is the embodiment of that outstanding, professional, warm service mindset that you will experience on board.

But Service Mindset can also be demonstrated in a non face to face environment. For example, this is a screengrab from a chat between one of the buyers and one of the sellers using the Lazada platform. And look at this.

The blue is the seller who’s actually responding to questions from a buyer. And what kind of responses are these? “Hello.” “3 days.” “No.” Well, it’s not criminal because whoever the buyer is did get answers, but you can’t say that this is anything better than basic.

Now, compare that to this one, where you’ve got a buyer asking questions. But look at the way the seller responds. “No worry. I can help you.” “Is it okay?” “If you prefer to be a bit more comfortable, we want to make this good for you.” And for those of you who are sellers who are listening right now, take a look at this example, where the question was something as simple as about the need for a battery. And the seller took the time to write out a thorough, detailed reply and look at how they opened it. “Dear friend, thank you for your interest in our products.” Look at how they closed it after answering the question. “If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. We’re very glad to help you. Best regards, Jane.”

That is exactly what we’re talking about in terms of delivering higher value in the category called Service Mindset. And then there’s the fourth category, which is Ongoing Relationship. And this is your effort to build connections with other people over time. Always remember that the real value in having a customer is not in any one project or transaction or purchase. It’s over the lifetime value of you working together and also the reputation, the referrals and the recommendations that a really happy, satisfied customer can provide.

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Ron Kaufman
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