Uplifting Blog

Learn From Your Customers to Generate More Growth and Success


Want to stand out in your industry? Your organization must be willing to do what others are not!

Doing this requires you to commit to service excellence: Taking the next step up to create more value for someone else. But the next step UP is not always what you think it is… You must listen closely to your customers to discover if your actions are truly valued by them.

Only when you understand what your customers actually want can you take the right actions to create shining service experiences. And when your entire organization is educated, empowered, and supported to do this work – you’ll be amazed at all the surprising ways your organization grows.

Watch the video to see how understanding what their customers value allowed one organization to build a collection of successful brands!

#VideoPosts #ServiceCulture #VoiceOfTheCustomer

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

You know, we’ve reached the point where LUX* Shining and LUX* as a brand was so strong that it could literally give birth to a new brand. And so, Tamassa was turned into what Tamassa is now, and SALT was created out of nothingness. And SOCIO was invented as a concept. So, what was that difference when it went from LUX* Island Resorts to LUX* Resorts and Hotels to LUX* Collective? I would say that the journey was all about learning from our guests. So, along the way, we realized that the world is changing, the world has changed a lot more even today. And because we are so popular, we wanted to bring in a different kind of clientele, a different kind of guest who wanted something different, and it was only natural that we look at creating a brand like SALT, which appeals to a completely different customer segment to Tamassa, which is for someone else. So that what we are proud of today, what I am proud of today is to say, you know, no matter what your objective of travel, we have a brand for you. And the best thing is Shining is in all brands. In all the brands. Which is, which was the best thing to do because it worked so well in LUX* that it need not be just for LUX* and it is now for the brand. Right And we make each moment matter. The best thing that happened is it is now at the LUX* Collective level, which means it applies to these four and no matter how many more. So, if you’re here to enjoy time with friends and you’re at Tamassa, we’re going to make each moment matter. If you’re here and you’re an eco-purist and you want to be culturally sensitive and be in the community, we’re going to make it more matter. If you’re here with your family, you’re never going to leave the LUX* property while you’re here, we’re going to make each moment matter. Absolutely.

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Ron Kaufman
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How to Succeed with Service?

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