Uplifting Blog

Lower Costs By Focusing on the Service that Really Matters to Your Customers


Want a sure-fire way to increase efficiency and boost profits? Invest in building a strong service culture! Here’s why…

Service is taking action to create value for someone else. And if they don’t value what you do… then all you’ve created is waste.

When your organization has a strong culture of continuous service improvement, your entire team is laser-focused on creating more value. That means they’re ALSO focused on removing whatever does not create more value.

The result? Your organization builds a reputation for stellar customer service… your efficiency (and profits) grow… and the cost savings keep adding up!

Watch the video to learn more. And check out the full interview here:


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People think that by increasing service, you’re going to have to increase your costs or your productivity is going to go down. And it’s actually the opposite, because if you understand that action that creates value, that’s good service. Action that isn’t creating good value for the other party is waste. So that company that wants to send out all the lab results within a certain period of time don’t realize the damage that they’re creating, both for their own team because they’re focused on the wrong thing and in the customer experience because they’re being disrupted and they’re saying, I don’t want to get it that particular way. And the company’s own development efforts are keep going down the path of continuous, in a certain style, and they’re missing the innovation that needs to happen. A lot of waste going on in there. So costs can actually come down when you improve the service that you provide.

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Ron Kaufman
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