Uplifting Blog

Make The Shift From ‘Me’ To ‘We’ To Improve Customer Satisfaction

The most listened-to radio station in the world is WII-FM, which stands for “What’s In It For Me?”

Some people use this question like a trump card. Answer well and you will get my cooperation. If your answer is insufficient I may ignore your question, request or even the entire situation.

I’m tired of this question being used so often and with such depressing power. Here’s why:

Little kids go for individual and immediate gratification: “Give me,” “I want,” “It’s mine.”

But we’re not little kids anymore, and “me, me, me” is a pretty narrow place from which to participate in your business and your life. It does nothing to improve customer satisfaction or enrich your life.

If you choose a partner then “you” becomes “two.” You introduce yourself and say “…and this is my partner, Jenny” or “…this is my husband, Paul.”

If you have a family then “me” becomes “we.” You introduce yourself by telling people where you live, what you do for a living and how many children you have.

Your definition of “me” can be even bigger. If you care deeply about a group, you want everyone in the group to succeed. The definition is bigger still if you contribute to an organization, and even bigger if you commit to the well-being of society or take a stand for some change or improvement in the world.

So what’s this point of view got to do with you and your work? (I know, I know, “What’s in it for me?”)

When you are individually focused (“me, me, me”), it’s hard to stand out and improve customer satisfaction. It’s easy to slip into being moody, selfish and stingy.

When you make the shift from “me” to “we,” another person becomes as important to you as you and you can improve customer satisfaction. His mood counts as much as yours, so you listen more carefully and offer better help to improve customer satisfaction. Her needs make a difference in your life, so you pay more attention and do a better job.

When you shift from “me” to “we,” other people feel taken care of, appreciated and understood. They feel good. And often you feel good, too.

A colleague’s good mood brightens up your own. Your customer’s satisfaction is part of your success. Your goals get met by helping others reach theirs. “What’s in it for me” is fulfilled by creating what’s in it for them.

Business is like that. Life is, too. Take a small position and you get a small result. Take a bigger stand for others: more fulfillment and more reward will come right back to you.

Key Learning Point To Improve Customer Satisfaction

The common focus on “me, me, me” prevents people from acting generously toward others and does nothing to improve customer satisfaction. This narrow focus limits what is possible for your business and yourself. To get more of what you want, take a bigger view of who (else) counts and what (else) matters. Improve customer satisfaction and you will improve yourself.

Action Steps To Improve Customer Satisfaction

Look around where you live and work. Ask yourself: “Who can I help? Where can I contribute more? How can I play a bigger game?” “How can I improve customer satisfaction?”

If you serve individual customers, make their needs and concerns as important as your own to improve customer satisfaction. If you are part of a team, make the team’s success your ambition. If you work in a department, work to achieve your department’s goals and help other departments achieve theirs, too.

Don’t hold back! Contribute more to your customers, colleagues and company. Why bother? What’s in it for you? A better way of living – and giving – that fulfills you every day and will improve customer satisfaction.


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Copyright, Ron Kaufman. Used with permission. Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for upgrading customer service and uplifting service culture. He is author of the bestselling “Uplifting Service” book and founder of Uplifting Service. To enjoy more customer service training and service culture articles, visit www.RonKaufman.com.

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