Uplifting Blog

Mentorship & Authentic Care (Meet My Mentors #1)


People flourish when you show that you care.

That’s one of the most important lessons I’ve learned about mentorship (and leadership). And it’s a lesson I learned from one of my earliest mentors: my Grandma Bea.

She was a kindergarten teacher who showered her students with love and care. And in the light of her care, they flourished.

Your employees and your mentees will do the same.

When they feel that you and your organization authentically care about their wellbeing, they’re more satisfied, more motivated, more loyal. 

(And actually, the same is true of your customers.)

Watch the video to hear more…

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Hey! Ron Kaufman here.

The very first mentor in my life was my amazing Grandma Bea, she taught kindergarten in new york city for 40 years and over the course of that amazing career not only had young people in her kindergarten but she had the children of the young people in her kindergarten and in her final years she even had grandchildren of people who were in her kindergarten.

During one of those 40 years she was celebrated by the city of new york as one of the top 100 educators in the entire city and they gave her a citation, this citation is so heartfelt I’m gonna actually put it up on screen so that if you like you can do a screen grab and keep a copy for yourself, in fact i’ll read you a part of it right now.

Citation. Mrs. Rebecca F Coughlin, kindergarten extraordinaire! Fortunate indeed is the child who starts his schooling with you bright or dull, attractive or plain, rich or poor, robust or delicate, native or foreign-born or whatever his endowments, he is sure to be enveloped immediately by your loving kindness making his first experience a happy one in an atmosphere where warmth and acceptance weave their magic spell, where growth and learning, the soaring of the imagination and the spirit of the young are assured.

Grandma Bea brought that kind of spirit of encouragement to me as one of her grandchildren and it has nourished and enriched my entire life, now you may not have had a grandma like Grandma Bea but I once saw a bumper sticker on the truck and it actually said it’s never too late to have a happy childhood.

So if you didn’t have a Grandma Bea and you’d like to adopt mine well I offer you mentor number one Rebecca F Kaufman.

You’re welcome to take her home and keep her as your own.

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Ron Kaufman
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