Uplifting Blog

Model the Behavior You Want to See in Your Team


How well do you walk your talk?? Modeling the right behaviors, mindsets, and attitudes is an essential leadership practice, because your team members model their behavior on what you do. If there are gaps between what you say and how you act, your team will notice. And they will adapt their own behavior accordingly.

Employees are highly attuned to what gets rewarded and discouraged within the organization. And they are experts at picking up on what really matters to their leaders. Which means that your day-to-day actions must be aligned with your stated priorities, company policies, and organizational incentives.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Rule number two. Service leadership. Rule number two. Be a great role model. Walk the talk. You know, the expression. Actions speak louder than words. So if you’re doing a rule number one, declare, declare, and then they look and see what you actually do and you’re not actually behaving that way, then that’s a worse problem.

Now, at the end of the program today, I’ll give you some very specific examples of things that you can do that are walk the talk so that your staff see that you actually believe that they hear the words you say, and they watch the things that you write, they notice how you are or when somebody is upset. They see how you spend your time.

What would be one example of somebody in this organization demonstrating serious leadership by walking the talk? What would it look like? What would it sound like? What would a show up like in a real situation, either external customer facing or internal service between colleagues, between different departments.

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Ron Kaufman
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