Uplifting Blog

No One Ever Hung A Suggestion Box Hoping It Would Be Ignored

It’s true: no one ever hung a suggestion box hoping it would be ignored. But rarely will a mere suggestion box attract a healthy flow of good ideas.

Now imagine a staff suggestion program that captures attention with a different service challenge and a different form of recognition every month:

January: Submit your best ideas for welcoming our new customers. Winners celebrate with dinner for two at a fancy restaurant.

February: Submit your best ideas for appreciating our loyal customers. Winners receive a one-year subscription to a useful publication of their choice.

March: Submit your best ideas for improving service between two or more departments. Winners from both departments get tickets to an upcoming show.

April: Submit your best ideas for speeding up a service process. Winners receive a brand new pair of running shoes.

May: Submit your best ideas for bouncing back with service recovery when something goes wrong. Winners get an extra day off.

June: Submit your best ideas for reducing costs while maintaining or improving our service. Winners take home a percentage of the savings.

July: Submit your best ideas for increasing our sales through service. Winners attend a training program of their choice.

August: Submit your best ideas for recruiting new team members who live our values and are motivated by our purpose. Winners enjoy a deluxe buffet with our next batch of new recruits.

September: Submit your best ideas for benchmarking other organizations. Who should we visit and why? Winners join the group that goes on the benchmarking visit.

October: Submit your best ideas for collaborating more closely with our vendors. Winners get a behind the scenes tour at the vendor’s organization.

November: Submit your best ideas for keeping our customers’ needs and interests top of mind. Winners are invited to follow any senior leader of the company for a day.

December: Submit your best ideas for new topics for our monthly suggestion program. Winners will see their ideas put into action next year.

Sometimes it helps to put a little madness in the method. Is your staff suggestion program this exciting, or effective?

How would you make this approach even better? Share your ideas and post your comments here!

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Ron Kaufman
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