Uplifting Blog

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What is the real cost of lousy service?

It has been well documented that providing excellent service to your customers will reap both personal and financial rewards. But what happens when service falls ...

The Marketing of Superior Service – whose voice will be heard?

American Express Global Customer Service Barometer says that 92% of people are most influenced by a company’s reputation or brand, and 88% say that they ...

Are you losing your youth?

The largest financial services providers in the world are concerned that their younger customers don’t really like them. The number of dissatisfied customers is increasing ...

What matters more? What you do, or how they feel?

“See the world from your customers’ point of view” is a catchy and familiar phrase, but not always easy to accomplish. The world view of ...

Five Steps to Help Employees Understand – and Care About – Your Metrics, Scores and Targets

Few leaders ‘meet employees where they are’ and effectively translate scores and targets into the ideas and actions employees care about. To help your employees ...

Best Practice is Not Good Enough

Many organizations are eager to learn and implement best practices. However, simply trying to replicate what works in another organization is bad practice. Wal-Mart’s much-publicized ...

In the world of service culture, the customer is always right. Wait a minute. That’s wrong!

In the world of uplifting service culture, we put the needs of our customers as our highest priority. Entire systems and ways of interacting, are ...

Recruit for Attitude First!

Recruitment advertisements often emphasize the skills and experience required to apply for a job. This is understandable, but is also a mistake. Organizations should place ...

Three Leadership Characteristics for Personal and Cultural Change

At Uplifting Service, we work with clients around the world who want to create positive cultural change by building an Uplifting Service Culture. While these ...

Is serving your customers faster really better?

Many organizations use waiting time and processing speed as key measures of service quality. This is fine – as long as they don’t become the ...

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How to Succeed with Service?

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