Uplifting Blog
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“Service Culture” – what does it mean?
How many times have you tried to explain to a friend or associate, the value of service culture, only to have them misunderstand your intention? ...
Groom and Nurture the ‘Right Attitude’
The passion and enthusiasm from employees with the ‘right attitude’ is not a ‘given’ with a life-time guarantee. How do you retain these employees and ...
Naturally, people want to serve
Going away on holiday is an ideal time to experience service from traditional service providers: airlines, hotels, restaurants and retail operators. As a member of ...
Six common reasons why ‘customer centricity’ initiatives fail
Over the many years of working with organizations to help them become ‘customer centered’, I have witnessed a number of successes as well as failures. ...
The Expression of Appreciation – Creating the Culture of Gratitude
Let me begin by thanking you; thanking you for taking the time to read our blog, for your passion for service. Allow me to tell ...
Selecting Uplifting Service Stars
A young man I have known for several years was recently hired to work the front desk at a major hotel. Based on my experience ...
How to Uplift Angry Customers
Occasionally, into each life, a little rain must fall… in this case, the “rain” is an unhappy customer; this isn’t an “if”, it is a ...
Service in Reverse: Building Partnerships as Customers
The common understanding of service in business today is unidirectional - focused on the service from a provider/supplier to its customer. The pressure and expectation ...
What is the real value of service education?
Richard Whiteley’s blog post – ‘Six reasons why ‘customer centricity’ initiatives fail’ – highlights how often initiatives fail due to inadequate education.
The Ultimate Question to Transform Corporate Culture
We regularly work with CEOs and senior leaders to help them build uplifting service cultures and improve service performance. Most leaders understand their roles and ...
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