Uplifting Blog

Lifelong Learning, Customer Service Education Is A Passion

I am sometimes asked, “Where did you go to school and what did you study?”

I graduated from Brown University in 1979 with a degree in International Political History. But my customer service education and other studies only began there.

In the years since graduation, I have continued learning through a wide range of personal and professional workshops. Here are a few of the highlights, including some incredible customer service education programs:

I attended The Sage Experience with Brandon Saint John, est by Werner Erhard, the Loving Relationships Training with Sondra Ray, DMA (based on The Path of Least Resistance by Robert Fritz) and The Seven Habits Course by Steven Covey.

I participated in the Hoffman Quadrinity Process, the Landmark Forum and their Advanced Course, and three courses of Harry Palmer’s Avatar training in Asia, Europe and the United States.

I became a licensed bodywork therapist in Sacramento, studied leadership with Marshall Thurber, conscious breath work with Leonard Orr, neurolinguistics with Tony Robbins, Rich Dad Investing with Robert Kiyosaki, internet marketing with Tom Antion and Wealth Dynamics with Roger Hamilton.

I was a client for three months with Dale Carnegie, eight months with E-Myth author Michael Gerber, studied one year in Peter Montoya’s Personal Branding University and five glorious years in the Ontological Design Course with Dr. Fernando Flores.

I’ve attended industry conferences in training and customer service education, conventions and workshops in professional speaking and listened to countless recordings of keynote presentations, single-topic seminars and weekend workshops.

Even today I continue to learn through coaching sessions in presentation skills, public relations, business planning and website design – and through active participation in three different communities of personal and professional learning. Everyday learning and customer service education should never end!

I don’t tell you this to brag or to confirm your suspicion that I am still very much a “work in progress.” Rather, I seek to encourage you to be absolutely passionate in your life for a wide-ranging course of ambitious, continuous and enthusiastic learning.

Whether through customer service education programs, books, tapes, coaching and classes, seminars, workshops or conventions, personal reflection or shared exploration, now is the time to keep your mind alert, your body growing, your heart wide open and your horizons of life expanding.

Key Learning Point For A Customer Service Education

The passionate pursuit of continuous learning is an essential element for your continued success. Your general and customer service education pursuits should remain with you throughout life.

Action Steps For A Customer Service Education

Commit today to learn something new, or something more, to keep yourself moving forward. It can be a customer service education program, a lesson about growth stocks or gardening, technical skills or tantra, relationships or real estate, negotiations, neural networks or knitting. Whatever it is and however you do it, take action to keep on learning!

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Copyright, Ron Kaufman. Used with permission. Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for upgrading customer service and uplifting service culture. He is author of the bestselling “Uplifting Service” book and founder of Uplifting Service. To enjoy more customer service training and service culture articles, visit www.RonKaufman.com.

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