Uplifting Blog

Make Customer Service Improvements That Really Matter To Shape Perfect Lives

We quest to shape our perfect lives. The right job, the right clothes, the right weight, the right car.

Then nature intervenes. An earthquake can crush that car completely. Floods and tornadoes slash through communities turning houses upside down. How important are the right clothes then?

Your close friend discovers he has a serious medical condition. A close family member struggles with divorce. How important is the right car now?

What does this have to do with you anyway, and why am I writing about it here?

Sometimes perspective is a good thing. Perhaps this page will inspire you to do something especially “nice” for another human being this month.

Write a note to your spouse, children or parents. Give the person sitting next to you a compliment for what they did, or how they look, or just for being “who they are.”

In the larger scheme of things, it’s not so important that we weigh exactly the right weight, or wear just the right clothes. But it’s very important that we live, and give, to add a touch of brightness in our remarkably paradoxical world.

These lessons apply just as readily to the business world where a customer service improvement is often needed. Put what’s important to your company’s success into perspective and take steps to make a customer service improvement that really matters.

Perhaps your clients would benefit from a friendlier approach on the phone? Maybe your departments would work better together if time was taken to build a team environment? Chances are if you look internally you’ll find a few areas where a a few touches of brightness could serve as a customer service improvement.

Key Learning Point For Customer Service Improvement

Doing the right thing in business and life is a customer service improvement we could all stand to make from time to time. Gaining perspective on what’s important can lead to the right actions to take.

Action Steps For Customer Service Improvement

What’s really important in your life? In your business? Identify what matters and make a customer service improvement that counts.


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Copyright, Ron Kaufman. Used with permission. Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for upgrading customer service and uplifting service culture. He is author of the bestselling “Uplifting Service” books and founder of Uplifting Service. To enjoy more customer service training and service culture articles, visit www.RonKaufman.com.

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