Uplifting Blog

Pick Words Of Power To Provide Customer Service Training That Lasts

Who wrote your company’s vision, mission and value statements? Was it some long-forgotten committee, or a retired management team, or an advertising agency no longer on the job?

In too many organizations, these essential statements are leftovers – flat, dull and boring. Let’s face it, no one is inspired by a predictable list of core values like teamwork, integrity and customer focus. They don’t really backup other customer service training efforts by inspiring action.

Instead, have your team choose powerful words and phrases that truly turn them on. Rework your mission, vision and value statements to provide a customer service training that inspires and lasts.

Here are two examples of companies that have incorporated their customer service training goals into their value statements:

Media Arts rides a digital wave in creativity and business focus. Here are three of the core values they have chosen:

“‘It’s not work.” (They have much too much fun for that!)

“Sure we can do it! What was the question?” (These folks are committed, passionate and always eager to learn.)

“‘We grow with you.” (They turn customers into partners.)

Singapore Network Services dropped two thousand words of bland corporate text and created ten new statements to guide their group behavior. Here are three that stand out:

“Beep-Beep!” (Think Road Runner. These guys are fast!)

“Beyond the call of duty.” (They stretch, stay late, hustle.)

“Every customer is our customer.” (No departmental silos. Every customer gets full benefit of the entire organization.)

Key Learning Point For Customer Service Training

Keep your guiding statements fresh, relevant and inspiring. They do provide valuable customer service training for your staff and motivate action.

Action Steps For Customer Service Training

Are your guiding statements up to date? Do they really turn your people on and add to your customer service training efforts by inspiring excellence? If so, you grow. If not, you’ll rot. Pick up the pen and start again. Use words of power to motivate the change you’d like to see.

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Copyright, Ron Kaufman. Used with permission. Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for upgrading customer service and uplifting service culture. He is author of the bestselling “Uplifting Service” book and founder of Uplifting Service. To enjoy more customer service training and service culture articles, visit www.RonKaufman.com.

For commercial use of this article in a paid newsletter, publication, or training program, please contact us.

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