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Put Some Stuffing In The Staff Suggestion Box To Find Customer Service Improvement Ideas

Looking for a customer service improvement idea? Here’s how to get your staff suggestion box overflowing with fabulous new ideas.

First, move the program online with digital instructions, submissions and replies. Making it more convenient can help you get customer service improvement ideas more readily.

Next, create a quick and easy contest every month to encourage customer service improvement ideas. Set short timelines for submission of ideas, offer attractive rewards, and use new criteria for winners every month.

Here are just a few examples of how to entice customer service improvement ideas:

“This month the prize is four tickets to the movies. Three sets of four tickets will be given away. Criterion for the month is ‘cost savings.’ How can we reduce expenses while keeping our morale and effectiveness high? Get cost-conscious and submit your best ideas to greatidea@staffsuggestions by July 30. Ideas may be submitted by individuals or by groups. Winners will be announced by e-mail on August 4.”

“The prize this month is a one-day external training program on the topic of your choice. Four winners will be chosen. Awards this month are for ‘quick-wins.’ What can be done in the company right now to make an immediate improvement? Send in your ideas by e-mail by August 30. Winners will be announced on September 3.”

“This month the focus is on revenue enhancement. What can we do to increase sales and income? Winning suggestions receive a $100 gift certificate, valid for one year. Three certificates will be awarded. Ideas to be submitted by September 30. Winners will be announced on October 2.”

“This month the focus is on improving internal communications. What can we do to increase the quality and quantity of sharing between departments? How can we stimulate constructive dialog for the benefit of all? The prize is a one-year subscription to the professional magazine of your choice. Five winners will be chosen. Send in your ideas by October 30. Winners will be announced on November 1.”

“Break the mold! This month we want ‘off the wall’ ideas. What quantum innovations should we consider? What ‘out of the box’ ideas can you think of? No suggestions too wild to submit. Prizes awarded for stretching the envelope in completely new directions. Winners get two days off with full pay. Take a long weekend on the company – and keep on thinking! Two winners will be chosen. Submit your ideas by November 30. Winners announced at our staff conference on the same day.”

See how this approach keeps your suggestion program interesting and alive? After a few months, everyone will be talking about winners, prizes and new ideas. Which is exactly what you want!

Key Learning Point For Customer Service Improvement

Management no longer has “all the right answers.” Use a creative staff suggestion program for a steady flow of effective, new ideas on how to make a great customer service improvement.

Action Steps For Customer Service Improvement

Liven up your staff suggestion program with new criteria and prizes every month to glean great customer service improvement ideas.

Respond to suggestions within one week. Don’t make people wait too long for a response from “The Committee.” Be candid. If the answer is no, say so. If the answer is yes, give an implementation date for the idea or customer service improvement.

Act upon the best customer service improvement suggestions you receive. Nothing demonstrates your commitment more than staff suggestions recognized, rewarded and immediately put to work.

Are there even more practical ways to improve your organization’s suggestion scheme? Sure there are. Got a suggestion? Brainstorm you own customer service improvement suggestions as they relate to staff involvement.

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Copyright, Ron Kaufman. Used with permission. Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for upgrading customer service and uplifting service culture. He is author of the bestselling “Uplifting Service” book and founder of Uplifting Service. To enjoy more customer service training and service culture articles, visit www.RonKaufman.com.

For commercial use of this article in a paid newsletter, publication, or training program, please contact us.

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