Uplifting Blog

Read This to Improve Your Life (and Your Business)


“Not all readers are leaders. But all leaders are readers.”

Harry Truman said that. I might add one word to that quote, though… All SUCCESSFUL leaders are readers.

So today, I want to share a book that is not just good for your business but is also good for your life. In the same way the book “Sapiens” gave us an understanding of our biological and ecological evolution, the book I recommend in this video gives us a cultural understanding of how and why we are the way we are.

So today, I want to share a book that is not just good for your business but is also good for your life. In the same way the book “Sapiens” gave us an understanding of our biological and ecological evolution, the book I recommend in this video gives us a cultural understanding of how and why we are the way we are.

And seeing as our organizations are run by and for human beings…a better understanding of how we relate to each other (and why!) only adds to what we can bring to the table. Watch the video for my book recommendation!

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Well, you mentioned my book because it was helpful in terms of career. With your permission, could I answer the question with a book recommendation that I think will be good for someone’s life? Even better. Okay. So, the book I want to recommend and I read about one book every week, I go for long walks every day and I use Audible to listen to books. And I do it almost at twice the speed. And when I’m walking, I’m with the trees and the birds and the book. And there’s a particular book that was recommended to me by one of my mentors, Dr. Fernando Flores. And the book is called ‘The Invention of Yesterday’. Now, Yuval Noah Harari wrote the book ‘Sapiens’, which many people have heard about. It’s been translated into many languages, and it’s an outstanding book, and I sincerely recommend it. And that was really the ecological, biological evolution of Homo sapiens. But this book called ‘The Invention of Yesterday’ was written by Tamim Ansari, and it took him seven years. It’s a history of the world, and it was how the cultures and the traditions and the habits and the styles and the languages and the practices that have evolved around the world. How did they evolve and move and come into each other and blend and mesh and become? And in reading that book, I was actually able to locate the life that I’m living, which is quite an international life. I live in Singapore. I’ve been traveling a lot, of course, my life. You know, I’m not even in the side of the world I was born in. But for anyone, anywhere to locate yourself as a human being who’s alive in the world today, how did you get here? And I’m not asking that biological question, which the book ‘Sapiens’ answers. I’m asking the cultural question which the book, ‘The Invention of Yesterday’ answers beautifully. Most Leaders Forget This… Do You? Hello, I’m Ron Kaufman. Everything we know from history and in the present day = is the result of boundless human potential, producing infinite possibilities in literature, culture, music, art, economy, government, business, technology, health care, education and so much more. All of this is the result of humans living, working, learning, creating with other human beings. This is what we call collaboration. Now, in our world today, with the tools and technologies we have, providing so much capability, so much opportunity for creativity, so much data, it is still humans working together that will determine how all of this is used, how it’s going to evolve and how it can be harnessed to the benefit of customers and communities and colleagues. This is the role of HR managers and leaders to encourage human potential, to enable close collaboration across cultures and time zones and teams, and to promote flourishing in the world that we share together. Living and working together towards tomorrow.

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Ron Kaufman
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