Uplifting Blog

Ron Kaufman Explains the Difference Between Care and Service

Recently, I’ve been exploring the phenomenon of CARE, how it relates to service, and how these two ideas are connected. And this is not just about caring for your customers, but also your employees, community, family, and yourself! 

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#ServeCareLove #UpliftingService #CustomerService #ServiceExcellence #UpliftingCare #RonKaufman #KeynoteSpeaker 


Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Question: So you talk about the importance of care and i think we’ve already covered that. What i wanted to actually ask you was that, how care isn’t the same thing as service and how are they different or how are they connected.

Answer: Well, you could see how they’re connected. If you want to serve someone and create value that contributes to their well-being, then you’re really set up to go the next step in terms of showing that you care about their future. I think it is becoming more apparent, more obvious and more essential for success. For example, someone could work at a company and say “Well yeah, they give me good service”, “I get paid well”, “I have good equipment to work with when we are in the office they might even pay for my lunch”, “We have parties”, “I get promotions”, “I have interesting work”. But do they really care about my future?

Well, then it would be career development conversations about the evolution and development of my potential. Maybe it’s providing me with a great mentor, it’s giving me some excellent coaching support and services, maybe it’s putting me on teams with people that I wouldn’t otherwise meet or allowing me to do an international posting. I mean, those are not things that necessarily are focused on Get The Job Done! That’s just the service, that’s the future.

Now think about that in terms of our customers. They come to us with a request. They have a particular interest. We negotiate a deal, we have an agreement of what’s in the contract, the specifications, the requirements. But then we go the next step, which is “Given that you’re my customer and you want me to do this, or you want me to do that, I’ll commit to do that for you, you pay me, will do it”. But why did you ask me? What else might you be interested in? What are you really concerned about?

Well, from my side, (the service provider) I could get my team to think about you, as our customer, and maybe we should make some recommendations. Maybe we should offer some suggestions, maybe we can ask about let’s have a conversation to explore possibilities for the future?  Well, the customer didn’t ask you for that! But if you are the one that does that with and for your customer, you’re going to stand out from all the competition. When they’re interested in that future who’s the first person they’re going to talk to about?  Could you actually help us do that?”

That’s the whole idea. Now you have concern for future well-being, it could even go in both directions, where the customer also wants the service provider to succeed and grow. Why? Because we’re sharing a future together, and that is a true partnership, and I think that is what will become even the next level above customer care.

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Ron Kaufman
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