Uplifting Blog

Service Excellence is a Moving Target


How can you make your business #1 in your market – and stay there??  

First you need to understand this truth: Unbelievable service can take you to #1 – but it will not keep you there.

That’s because service excellence is a moving target. What wowed your customers today will be expected tomorrow… and eventually becomes the bare minimum.

To stand out in your market long term, you need to be always stepping up with service. And to do that, you need a self-sustaining culture of service excellence. One where your team is educated, supported, and motivated to provide consistently stellar service, and continuously innovate and improve.

A culture that supports continuous service improvement is flexible, agile, and attuned to changes in customer desires. And THAT is a culture can sustain your organization over the long-term – no matter how fast your industry changes.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Remember this? When it first came out, it was unbelievable. Today, basic. 

Remember this? Blown to bits. 

Remember this? Say, what do you mean, remember? 

Well, do you remember, you know, quaint social practices like cash, which became plastic, which became just tap your device, which is now moving towards biometrics, and after a while, you’re going to go into a store and say, “I like that.” And they’ll say, “Good, look over here. Thank you. We have your money.” 

So where is excellence on the six levels of service if these stairs keep slipping down? Well, then excellence itself has become a moving target. It’s not stable. If the stairs keep slipping down, then there’s only one way to be excellent. We have to keep stepping. 

Okay, now think about this. What I’m saying is that stepping up is excellence.

It’s not a level. It’s the commitment to an action that gets you better. So if you have some part of your organization that right now is just basic, like they’re late, they’re incomplete, they’re impolite, they make mistakes, and you can get them up to the level of expected, consistent, reliable. 

That is a step of excellence. If they’re already doing that like normal and you can get them to be more customized, more flexible, more tailored, more personal, giving people what they desire, the stepping is the excellence. Of course, surprising and unbelievable.

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Ron Kaufman
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