Uplifting Blog

Set a New Standard for How Your Industry Does Service


Do you want to reach the top of your industry AND stay there? Then make sure you incorporate CARE into your service culture.

When people say the word “care,” business is not necessarily the first thing that comes to mind. But from my 30 years helping organizations build uplifting service cultures, I know that care is important to ALL industries.

I define service as taking action to create value for someone else. And we take that action because we care about that someone’s future well-being.

More and more, savvy organizations are investing in a culture of authentic care – and they are being rewarded by their customers, employees, and partners. Watch the video to see an example of how one organization is going above and beyond to take good care of those it serves.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Hey everybody this is Ron Kaufman I’m in Seattle Washington today outside a facility called agis living it’s an assisted living and memory care facility and up in that corner right over there are my mom and dad who are at 93 and 95 very happy living here and have been for the past year good jeans in the family so you guys may be seeing me for quite some time now if you’ve been following me for a while you know that I Define Service as taking action to create value for someone and what makes something valuable is when it contributes to their well-being now more recently if you’ve been following me you know that I talk about care as concern and commitment to Future well-being which makes sense think about it if you have kids you care about them now but also into the future if you care about just about anything you care about it now and into its future so care and commitment concerning commitment to Future well-being but what do you do in a case like this where the future is not forever where the limitation includes actual passing on eventually well this place is incredible they have developed a culture of service and care that is one of the best that I’ve seen anywhere in the world and after 30 years of doing this that is saying something these folks are not only committed to the well-being of all of their residents but also the family members of those residents they literally wear t-shirts that say we dare to care challenge for you today as you’re working and taking care of other people in your own life perhaps on a longer time Horizon than the people who are residents here is to dare to care for the well-being of others

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Ron Kaufman
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