Uplifting Blog

Set Your Business Apart While Serving Your Customers Better


The most persistent threats to businesses today are commoditization and imitation. So how can you protect your business? 

Here’s the best way I know: Create more value for customers – and do it in ways that cannot be easily duplicated.  

You can always find ways to improve your primary product and how you deliver it.  Those improvements add value – but they’re also easy to imitate. Fortunately, there are two other areas where you can create more value for your customers: Service Attitude and Ongoing Relationships.

The value you create in these areas is very difficult to imitate. So your organization will stand out even in the most crowded markets, and you’ll build stronger relationships with loyal customers.

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So what do we got here? 

Four different categories of value. 

One category is called the Primary Product. That’s the pizza. “Hello, IT.” That’s the quality of your code. Another category is called the Delivery System. “Yo, yo, IT.” This is how easy and fast and user-friendly it is to work with you guys. Are you speedy? Are you dependable? Are you reliable? Do you report on time? Does your system work so I can talk to you? The third category is the Attitude. The caring, the helpfulness, the fourth category is called Ongoing Relationship. Do you, do people feel like you’re just trying to do a project or do they feel like IT is actually here committed to helping us succeed and grow and win and develop into the future?

Which of these four categories do IT professionals tend to get trained in during their academic education? 

Write the code. Maybe they get some coaching on how to communicate with other people like, you know, systems and dialog and speed and time and SLAs and KPIs. But those bottom two categories is where you can actually differentiate and stand out because so much in the top two categories is becoming commoditized. 

It all goes to the cloud. It all can be outsourced. It all can be… Why you? Unless they say about you, “But our relationship with them, they understand us. They’re helping us succeed and grow.” 

Now, which of these four categories do customers and colleagues appreciate and value? All of them. Put them together and you get what’s called the big picture. It is the experience that people value, and the experience is made up of all four categories.

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Ron Kaufman
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