Uplifting Blog

Stand Out from the Crowd with Exceptional Customer Experiences


How do you make your business stand out in a sea of competitors? Here’s one low-cost, highly effective way: Help your team turn ordinary service transactions into exceptional customer experiences.

How? By building a culture of Uplifting Service that supports your staff as they get creative, make authentic connections with customers, make ordinary moments SPECIAL, and operationalize their innovations.

That might sound like a heavy lift for even a strong service culture, but the reality is… stand-out service cultures are characterized by their ability to sustain creativity, innovation, and continuous service improvement.

✅ Watch the video to see examples of how one organization makes every moment extraordinary.

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One of our clients that you’ll read about in the white paper is called LUX* Resorts. They have a coffee brand this is the barista. But it’s an island resort or a series of island resorts so they never give you a coffee that looks like a normal coffee. You might get this.

Now, my wife and I are scuba divers,and so we’re very often out on these island resorts and we’re enjoying ourselves. My wife went up one morning and she said, “I’d like a cappuccino.” the fellow who was the barista was brand new. So he had not learned how to do the artwork with the chocolate powder. And he said, “Uh, uh Okay, just one minute.” And he went in the back and a moment later he came out and he gave my wife this.

That afternoon we came off the scuba diving boat and we went back to the coffee bar and there were two kids, probably nine or ten years old, and they were fighting with each other. And the last thing you want on vacation is to have these two snotty kids who are fighting with each other and disrupting your enjoyment of the vacation. And the barista came around and said, “Boys, if you’ll be quiet for just 2 minutes, I can make a surprise for you like you’ve never seen.”

Nine and ten year old boys do what? “Oh, yeah? We’ve seen all the surprises. What can you do for us?” Na, na, na. “I can make you hot chocolate like you’ve never seen before.” “What’s so special about hot chocolate? We know hot chocolate. You can’t do it.” She was like “Uh-uh. Okay. No surprise.” Okay, now, if you’re nine or ten, you go, “What’s the surprise?” She goes, “You have to be quiet for 2 or 3 minutes in order for me to make it. Quiet. Okay?” And the boys sat there for 2 to 3 minutes being quiet, and every other guest was saying, “Thank you Thank you, thank you.” And a few minutes later, she came back out with this.

Now, what do you see in this photograph? How many of you see a cat chasing two fish? How many of you see milky foam and chocolate powder? And how many of you see milk foam and chocolate powder used by an individual service provider to create a perception point moment that would be unbelievable at no additional cost.

Now, what happens is when one department starts to do this, other departments say, “Hey, I get it. We see how the process works. We can do it, too.” And so the housekeeping department got involved and we found this on our bed. We came back one day from the dive boat. This was on the bed.

Now, this is a trick question for you guys, but anybody here from finance? Finance is looking at this and thinking, “That’s a lot of towels” and they’re not wrong because every towel is going to have to go to the laundry. Right? So that’s an expensive thing to do. But you know what? It could also be like this. Yeah, that’s just a leaf from one of the coconut palms that’s been trimmed down and laid on.

Probably takes a couple of minutes once you know how to do it. But think about the honeymoon couple that comes back from dinner and finds this on the bed. And she goes, “Aww.”, and he goes, “Ohh. Unbelievable!

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Ron Kaufman
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