service improvement

Are you building powerful partnerships where you work?

Each time you explore, agree, deliver and assure, the possibility for trust grows between you and the other party. In fact, this may be the only way human beings can build trust with one another.

1. EXPLORE: Find out what is important to the other person.
2. AGREE: Make a promise to do something on their behalf.
3. DELIVER: Do what you promised.
4. ASSURE: Check and make sure they are satisfied.

Are you building powerful partnerships where you work?

Are you building powerful partnerships where you work? Read More »

Service as Competitive Advantage: Creating New Value vs. Sustaining Predictable Results

When you picture a superior service culture, you may not think of a large engineering firm or a manufacturing organization. Rather, you may think about high-end hotels, top-rated airlines, or innovative retail brands. But in a competitive global market where products are commoditized and speed of delivery easily matched, quality service is a key differentiator in every industry – including financial services, manufacturing, high tech IT, telecommunications, logistics, and more.

Service as Competitive Advantage: Creating New Value vs. Sustaining Predictable Results Read More »

Customer Focused Surveys: Six ideas to gain success, eliminate waste and increase customer value (Part One)

Customer focused surveys and other feedback mechanisms are commonly used to assess customer satisfaction and loyalty. In some companies, however, surveys can become entrenched and self-sustaining, generating mountains of data without a corresponding volume of valuable actions. In other cases, surveys are little more than a mechanism to harness customers in the role of quality

Customer Focused Surveys: Six ideas to gain success, eliminate waste and increase customer value (Part One) Read More »

Customer Focused Surveys (Part Three)

Customer focused surveys frequently collect data that is customer-specific. This ensures a regular flow of insights that lead to action. Common insights from these frequent surveys can be “rolled up” to provide an aggregate view of a market or a high level view of systemic issues in an organization.

This is in contrast to conducting an occasional (eg: annual) survey that starts at a high level then “drills down” to discover specific problems

Customer Focused Surveys (Part Three) Read More »

Innovation and Process: What Football Teaches Us About Customer Experience

A friend of mine, the Head of a Middle School, wrote the following as part of his weekly letter to parents. He is working hard to balance change and innovation demanded by modern times with the tradition and process long revered in student education. His message also rings true for service innovation in business and government organizations:

“When Brazil defeated Italy in 1970 for their third World Cup in 12 years, football aficionados claimed it was the greatest team ever with the greatest player ever, Pele. Four years later, it was the West Germans who defeated the Dutch in Munich to seize the World Cup, led by their brilliant defenseman, Franz Beckenbauer.

Innovation and Process: What Football Teaches Us About Customer Experience Read More »

Banking on Service: Seven Ways the Troubled Banking Industry Can Turn Itself Around

Recent news of JP Morgan Chase’s $2 billion trading disaster provided yet another nail in the coffin of the banking industry’s reputation. For many, the negligence is eye opening, but not because it’s unexpected. It’s simply hard to believe that yet another industry giant allowed greed to stand in the way of sound business practices.

Banking on Service: Seven Ways the Troubled Banking Industry Can Turn Itself Around Read More »

Ron Kaufman
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How to Succeed
with Service

A Free Video Series for Leaders,
Managers, and CEOs

Discover how to differentiate your brand, improve financial performance,
and transform your service culture by delivering more value to everyone
you serve.

How to Succeed with Service?

A FREE video series for leaders, managers, and CEOs

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