service improvement

Nairobi to Shanghai: A World of Service

When considering quality of service around the world, many stereotypes can be applied. We may think certain countries or cultures naturally excel at service, while others are very efficient but not very friendly. And we may even see some countries where service appears to be an altogether low priority. Yet while stereotypes persist – and may have basis in personal experience – I have accumulated more and more experience in countries across the globe, and everywhere I teach and travel, I observe 3 things we all have in common:

Nairobi to Shanghai: A World of Service Read More »

Why a Customer Service Revolution Must be Fast and Furious – Part One

You know you’ve got unhappy customers so you’ve decided it’s time to do a complete service overhaul. You’ve spent hours with your C-level executives crafting a strategic plan and making sure your i’s are dotted and your t’s are crossed. The idea is to roll out the new plan in one area of your company—for example, your call center—and get things under control there before you move on to the next department. Over time, as you get your strategy perfected and everyone buys in, you’ll surely reap the benefits. Makes sense, right?

Why a Customer Service Revolution Must be Fast and Furious – Part One Read More »

Are You A Nice or Naughty Customer? Eight Ways to Be a Better Customer This Holiday Season—and Get Better Service in Return

Especially during the busy holiday season, customers wait on hold for an eternity. Complaints go unanswered. Salespeople and customer service providers seem more like Scrooge than Santa’s helpers. If you think customer service has taken a nosedive, you’re right, says Ron Kaufman—but there’s a lot you can do to change that. Read on for his tips for being a better customer.

Are You A Nice or Naughty Customer? Eight Ways to Be a Better Customer This Holiday Season—and Get Better Service in Return Read More »

Mushroom Soup and Service Excellence

I recently stayed at the Banyan Tree resort in Macau. This was my first time staying with the 5-star Banyan Tree group. All I knew was that the Macau property is a high-rise urban resort in the city with modern living, unlike the other Banyan Tree resorts built with nature-filled living and relaxation. I expected to indulge and be pampered with service excellence – as I would in any other hotel of equal standing.

Mushroom Soup and Service Excellence Read More »

Top Twelve Quotes from the 2014 Smarter Services Executive Symposium in Boston

The “Smarter Services Executive Symposium” in Boston was a deep dive into the world of services, service providers, and field service engineers. The depth of sharing was impressive, as was the depth of expertise.

I gave one keynote presentation and took fourteen pages of notes. Here are my “top twelve take-aways” from the event. Which one is most relevant for you?

Top Twelve Quotes from the 2014 Smarter Services Executive Symposium in Boston Read More »

Ron Kaufman
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