service improvement

Are you losing your youth?

The largest financial services providers in the world are concerned that their younger customers don’t really like them. The number of dissatisfied customers is increasing as even the older generations adopt new technologies and models of interaction.

This is not about building an online presence to respond to your younger customers. You need to be at the cutting edge of wherever your customers will be, anticipate expectations and concerns, understand what they value and proactively take actions to increase loyalty.

You need to be young again – curious, passionate and fast.

Are you losing your youth? Read More »

Make the Shift from ‘Me’ To ‘We’

The most listened-to radio station in the world is WIIFM, which stands for “What’s in it for me?” Some people throw this question like a trump card: answer with enough for me and you win my cooperation, but if I find your answer insufficient I may ignore you and your request completely.

I’m tired of this question being used so often and with such depressing power. Here’s why…

Make the Shift from ‘Me’ To ‘We’ Read More »

2011: A Year of Uplifting Service

As we leave 2010 behind and move into a new year shining with promise, I ponder how to make this the best year yet. I believe the key is an unwavering dedication to uplifting service toward others: in relationships, in family, in business, and in the world.

Many sages have shared profound quotes and insights about the purpose and power of service. Some say it is the foundation for a good life. Others call it the rent you must pay for your space upon the Earth. I say that uplifting service is the reason we are here.

2011: A Year of Uplifting Service Read More »

10 Reasons Why Customer Complaints Are Good News (Part Two)

6. Fuel for an Uplifting Service Culture

• Complaints can work as a trigger for taking new action and catalyzing positive change.

• Sharing customer complaints throughout the organization educates everyone to understand what your customers experience, expect and insist upon receiving.

• Complaints prevent complacency. New problems keep humility high and teammates on their toes.

10 Reasons Why Customer Complaints Are Good News (Part Two) Read More »

Customer Focused Surveys: Six ideas to gain success, eliminate waste and increase customer value (Part One)

Customer focused surveys and other feedback mechanisms are commonly used to assess customer satisfaction and loyalty. In some companies, however, surveys can become entrenched and self-sustaining, generating mountains of data without a corresponding volume of valuable actions…

Customer Focused Surveys: Six ideas to gain success, eliminate waste and increase customer value (Part One) Read More »

Ron Kaufman
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How to Succeed
with Service

A Free Video Series for Leaders,
Managers, and CEOs

Discover how to differentiate your brand, improve financial performance,
and transform your service culture by delivering more value to everyone
you serve.

How to Succeed with Service?

A FREE video series for leaders, managers, and CEOs

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