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The Amazing Harvey Mackay Demonstrates Impeccable Customer Service Skills

Harvey Mackay is the author of Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive and other bestsellers. More than 10,000,000 of his books have been purchased around the world. He is also a master of using excellent customer service skills.

Harvey is founder of the Mackay Envelope Corporation and is one remarkable human being. I had the pleasure of sharing a speaker’s platform with him at an Achiever’s Congress in Asia where he demonstrated the meaning of impeccable customer service skills.

Harvey says the “real title” of all his popular business books is Prepare to Win – get yourself ready to succeed through vigorous and early preparation. He uses preparation to enable him to put forth amazing customer service skills.

He demonstrated this masterfully in the way he prepared for his upcoming speech in Asia. One month before the program, Harvey spent two hours with me on the telephone from his office in the United States. He wanted to know everything about the local audience: social trends, history, culture, economy, politics, races, religion, concerns, aspirations, hopes, fears and more. His desire to learn demonstrated impeccable customer service skills.

When he got off the plane in Asia, Harvey’s research and preparation continued, further demonstrating his customer service skills. He asked everyone he met for their personal insights on important issues of the day. By constantly asking and carefully listening, Harvey prepared himself (and his audience) to win.

He pored through the local papers and studied radio and television programs. He listened carefully to every speaker who preceded him on the platform.

And when Harvey Mackay walked on stage to deliver his 90-minute presentation, he had more customized notes sticking to the pages of his speech than I have seen anyone carry in years!

All his preparation paid off. Harvey’s integration of every idea, example and illustration was seamless. No one knew how many hours he had spent adjusting, improving and fine-tuning his speech for just this particular audience.

No one, that is, except Harvey Mackay. His attention to detail showed customer service skills that were truly amazing.

Key Learning Point For Customer Service Skills

Harvey’s original mission statement for the Mackay Envelope Corporation was: “To be in business forever.” His passion for preparation and delivery of exceptional customer service skills are two ways Harvey works to achieve this goal.

What if this was your mission statement?

How would you change your approach? How much time and effort would you invest to prepare, serve and delight your customers, partners and staff? How would you use customer service skills to help your business soar?

Learn from Harvey Mackay. Try it today.

Action Steps For Customer Service Skills

Harvey Mackay’s five rules for success in presentations – and in life:

1. Show up. (80% success)

2. Show up on time. (85% success)

3. Show up on time with a plan. (90% success)

4. Show up on time with a plan committed to excellence. (95% success)

5. Show up on time with a plan committed to excellence and then execute. (100% success)

For much more of Harvey Mackay’s insight and practical wisdom, visit www.mackay.com

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Copyright, Ron Kaufman. Used with permission. Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for upgrading customer service and uplifting service culture. He is author of the bestselling “Uplifting Service” book and founder of Uplifting Service. To enjoy more customer service training and service culture articles, visit www.RonKaufman.com.

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