Uplifting Blog

The Business Asset that You MUST Recognize and Nurture


Want to build a world-class organization?? You must understand this: Human potential is perhaps the greatest asset your business has.

Why? Because it’s the source of innovation, creativity, collaboration, and ideas — all of which are essential to building a strong organization that creates more value for the people you serve.

As leaders, it is our job to recognize and empower people to reach their potential. And when you do, your organization will not only rise to the top of your industry…

It will stay there.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Hello, I’m Ron Kaufman. Everything we know from history and in the present day = is the result of boundless human potential, producing infinite possibilities in literature, culture, music, art, economy, government, business, technology, health care, education and so much more. All of this is the result of humans living, working, learning, creating with other human beings. This is what we call collaboration. Now, in our world today, with the tools and technologies we have, providing so much capability, so much opportunity for creativity, so much data, it is still humans working together that will determine how all of this is used, how it’s going to evolve and how it can be harnessed to the benefit of customers and communities and colleagues. This is the role of HR managers and leaders to encourage human potential, to enable close collaboration across cultures and time zones and teams, and to promote flourishing in the world that we share together. Living and working together towards tomorrow.

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Ron Kaufman
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