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World’s Friendliest Airport Teaches Others How To Change Company Culture

Learning how to change company culture to have staff members intuitively behave in a certain way takes time, effort and exceptional planning. A great example of how to change company culture for the better comes out of Singapore.

Singapore’s Changi Airport has been rated #1 in the world so many times the trophy cabinet is bulging.

They’ve hit #1 in efficiency, speed, shopping, security, safety and ease of use.

But the category called “courtesy and friendliness” has eluded Changi Airport’s capture. This is not surprising, perhaps, given that the local culture has grown in a city known more for “trading and exchanging” than “providing gracious warmth and hospitality.”

Now the airport is facing this challenge head-on by learning how to change company culture. It wants to improve service in a big way and has taken steps to do so. The depth and magnitude of commitment are impressive: a brand new “service promise” with high impact launch program for 7,000 staff, customized full-day training for 3,000 frontline staff members, monthly courtesy awards, customer feedback kiosks, service improvement contests, mystery traveler audits, constant reminders for staff (and customers) with posters, badges and banners, newsletter articles, special announcements and more.

This is total commitment, typical of Singapore Changi Airport. With such intensity and clarity of focus, the program will surely work and will demonstrate the right steps to take to learn how to change company culture.

Key Learning Point On How To Change Company Culture

Learning how to change company  culture takes time and effort, energy, creativity and focus. It’s not a project to do halfway, not for the half-hearted. To see real results, you have to have a buy-in from the top down and the training programs and support to make it happen.

Action Steps On How To Change Company Culture

What upgrade or improvements are you working on right now? Are you doing everything you can to really make it happen? Need some inspiration? Come visit Singapore’s Changi Airport to learn how to change company culture for the better.

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Copyright, Ron Kaufman. Used with permission. Ron Kaufman is the world’s leading educator and motivator for upgrading customer service and uplifting service culture. He is author of the bestselling “Uplifting Service” book and founder of Uplifting Service. To enjoy more customer service training and service culture articles, visit www.RonKaufman.com.

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