Uplifting Blog

The Hidden Danger that Can Destroy Your Service Reputation


A stellar service reputation insulates your organization from competition, commoditization, and other market threats. But that doesn’t mean you can coast on your good reputation. Especially when it comes to customer service.

That’s because the quality of your service is always judged against your customer’s expectations. And your customer’s expectations are, in part, determined by what you’ve done in the past…and what others in your industry are doing.

What counts as unbelievable service today may be just delightful tomorrow… and over time becomes merely expected. Your service hasn’t changed… but your customer’s expectations have. And your reputation won’t be far behind.

So to maintain an exceptional service reputation, everyone in your organization must always be stepping up to deliver better service than ever before.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

The Six Levels of Service are not stable. They’re not fixed. They’re in motion. It’s like an escalator, and it’s always going down.

Why? Why do I say that? If you do something unbelievable for someone, it will be the first time you do it. If you do it again, it won’t be unbelievable anymore because you did it before. But it might be a nice surprise that you did it a second time. If you do it a third time, it becomes what they desire and then it just becomes what? Expected.

After a while, it’s only basic. And then if you don’t do it. Yeah. I’ll give you some examples.

Do you remember this? [shows picture of an enormous, old-fashioned cell phone] When that first came out, it was unbelievable. Today, basic. Do you remember this? [shows a shelf of encyclopedias] Right. Boom. Blown to bits. And now all the world’s information is a click away.

Do you remember this? I mean, look, Paul Simon wrote a song, “Kodachrome You give us those nice bright colors”, but I never heard “Megapixels you got…” Do you remember this? Now, you may be saying, “What do you mean remember, Ron? We just went through two years of boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.” Yeah, well, it’s not going to be ‘boom, boom’, it’ll be ‘brrr’.

Do you remember this thing called cash? And then it all went into plastic, and then it moved into our devices. You know where it’s going next? Into your eyeball. Right. You’re going to be in a store and they’re going to say, “Do you like it?” And you go, “Oh, I love it.” “Just look over here.” ‘Bloop’. “Thank you.”

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Ron Kaufman
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