Uplifting Blog

The Key to Success in 2024


I talk a lot about creating more value and building a sustainable culture of service excellence.

I do so because, over the years, I’ve seen that a strong service culture is an essential ingredient for lasting success – in business and in life.

That’s still true – but things are changing. More and more organizations are making a genuine commitment to the well-being of their employees, partners, customers, and community.

As the field of service evolves, authentic care for everyone’s well-being will be the key to sustainable growth and success. So if you want to know how to take the next step UP to catapult your organization to the top of your industry…then it’s time to start focusing on CARE.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Hello this is Ron Kaufman end of the year video from one of my favorite spots in nature near where I live in Singapore this has been an extraordinary year of expansion and exploration for our company we have new clients and different Industries and government agencies all over the world and one of the things that I’ve noticed in my travels and in conversations that there’s a fundamental shift occurring and seems to be happening for all of us from not just focusing on creating value and creating more value by improving the service that we provide, that’s essential that’s what people pay for we understand but in addition to creating value there’s this Evolution to the authentic concern and commitment to people’s well-being to your well-being to your customers well-being to the well-being of your colleagues and the communities where you live and to the planet that we all share that concerning commitment to well-being now and into the future that is the essence of care and in the year to come you’ll be hearing a lot more from me about this topic and how service and Care are so intimately entwined and how taking Care by creating value for your customers but also being committed to the well-being of your customers is really a key to your success I hope you’ve had a great year I wish you a very healthy and happy holiday season season and look forward to seeing you in the new year ahead.

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Ron Kaufman
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