Uplifting Blog

The Mindset Your Business Needs to THRIVE


Things haven’t been “business as usual” in quite a while. This is why it’s vital for you and your organization to focus on creating a culture of continuous service improvement. That’s how your organization remains robust, responsive, and tuned into the wants and needs of everyone you serve.

And I’m not just talking about customer-facing service. Internal service is JUST as important. In fact, excellent internal service is what makes excellent customer service possible.

Even better, a culture that prioritizes good service to everyone is one that retains its best employees, and attracts employees who are eager to help it grow.

And when everyone in your organization cares about the customer AND each other, you have the ingredients for a world-class business that can thrive in any business climate.

Watch the video to see how service and care skyrocketed one organization has skyrocketed to the top of its industry…

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Along Came Covid we care about what matters was was articulated before that showed up on the radar and then we did the built to care webinar series which gave all of us a chance to really spend some time thinking about this with each other as a group and now it’s flourished talk about what you’ve seen happen over the past couple of years here how has we care about what matters become authentic I think that um Co gave the opportunity to all all of us through the build to care webinar and also um through this new purpose we care about what matters it just gave everyone the opportunity to understand that everything revolves around Care at the end of the day we are all human beings and we all need that care um whether we are um a team member whether we are a guest whether we are a sister uh you so our role in society you know we need to be able to care so um during that time when uh we were in complete lockdown uh those webinars were really kind of a an uplifting tool for all of us to kind of connect with each other and then uh basically leave put to life this caring uh uh philosophy in that sense the care Factor took all its meaning during this time and we didn’t need to uh to explain too much because you know it was it came naturally you know people well it’s fundamental to Being Human I mean you can say we aspire to care but we already are creatures that care and we have this aspirational way of being alive we’re always looking for creating in being concerned about curious to do etc etc but it’s not now like Curious like I want to have an experience or I want to get something like I actually want to feel like my life is engaged in a way that’s fulfilling exactly we’ve always been focusing on Service uh but we also talk about in in general vocabulary we talk about service providers to me care is has a a much much broader Dimension because um in you know when when you care about someone um it is care care is a person has a personality of its own because you you express your care through through your look through how you look at people through how you uh empathize the way you listen the actions so it’s there all these different traits which may not be present when you’re a service provider whereby you’re only Pro providing the service and there’s all this emotional part uh human part caring part that that you know is upfront whereas uh you and you’re so absolutely right when you say you know now it’s the the next level is care because and carology what what you’re saying it’s gone to that Dimension now and I think it’s much more meaningful than just saying we provide service so if we saying we provide care or caring right and it’s not even that we of course we do provide care but caring is something that is that involves a a shared experience so you know and I think The Shining level of service was already at that because you shine as the guest I shine as there’s a shining moment that we share here that’s really something different caring is that but it means that for you before you come for you when you arrive for you and your family for you with your community who aren’t even here with you but you’re communicating with them for you when you go home for us after what yeah it’s it’s a different world we’re expanding into indeed yeah.

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Ron Kaufman
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