Uplifting Blog

The ONE Mindset Shift to Help Your Organization Stand the Test of Time With


Fostering a service mindset is vital to the success of your organization.

That’s because a service mindset puts the emphasis on the person you are serving – which means that you and your organization stay tuned into what’s MOST important to your customers, your employees, and your community.

The result is an organization that’s agile, flexible, and easily keeps pace with changes in the marketplace. And THAT is an organization that’s poised for long-lasting success.

So how do you build a culture in which everyone shares this service mindset? It all starts with one essential question…Watch the video to discover this key question.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Let me talk to this issue of service as a mindset. There’s a lovely gentleman named Doug who is president of a company that I did some work for, and he had one of the best definitions of customer I ever heard. He said, “A customer is anyone who’s not me.” Now, when you take that position, then a customer in life in the world is anyone who is not me, then every other person in the world is somebody potentially that I could think about in terms of what can I do for them that would uplift their life, that would create more value, that would make them feel recognized or appreciated or encouraged or admired or just seen? That’s, you know, service as a mindset is “What can I do for you?”, not “What’s in it for me?” Now, again, I’m not asking people to just be completely altruistic for no reason because the joy of serving is the incredible gift that you get when you give. So if you orient yourself towards giving to others, what comes back to you is so much more authentic than what you go out and try to get for yourself. When you ask about the future of service, I think what’s happening right now on the planet where we’ve got the kind of ecological, tremendous difficulties and challenges that we’re going to face as a species, and COVID was just sort of the opening show to have people become aware of this is just how fragile we are, just how dependent on one another we are, and just how fluid our experience of life can actually be. Therefore, what is it you’re going to do, not just with the rest of your life, but with the next moment in your life that will take good care of yourself by taking good care of you and other people.

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Ron Kaufman
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