Uplifting Blog

The Power of a Fresh Perspective (Meet My Mentors #2)


Despite your best efforts, there may be an ENORMOUS gap between the service that your customers want… and the service that your organization provides.

The root problem? 

You don’t get credit for what you’re TRYING to do. You get credit for the service that your customer actually VALUES.

And service that’s not valued is WASTE.

This waste costs your team money, time, and energy.

And it squanders the goodwill and loyalty of your customers.

So what’s the solution?

𝐀 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐡 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞.

What matter is not how YOU value the service you provide. It’s how your customer values it.

When your team learns to inhabit the perspective of those they serve, all kinds of innovative ideas and solutions will rise to the surface.

I learned the value of seeking new perspectives from one of my mentors –  Buckminster Fuller.

Bucky was a 20th-century Leonardo da Vinci – an eclectic thinker whose “fresh perspective” altered the way we think about planet Earth itself.

Watch the video to discover more…

#Mentorship #WhatInspiresMe #Innovation #CustomerService #Perspective

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Hello, everybody.

Ron Kaufman here. The second key influential mentor in my life was this gentleman, R Buckminster Fuller, affectionately known by just about everybody as simply Bucky. B-U-C-K-Y. 

Bucky was one of these extraordinary human beings- the Leonardo Da Vinci of our time. He was an architect, an engineer, a philosopher, a poet, a mathematician. 

Somebody who actually saw life differently than so many of the rest of us. One of the things many people don’t know is that he had terrible eyesight, and it wasn’t properly diagnosed until he was four years old. At four years old they put these heavy, thick glasses on him, and all of a sudden the world appeared a different way. He used to say that that was a great advantage for him because any time he could just take off his glasses and see the world again as a curious child. 

Well, Bucky was an extraordinary mentor to so many people. I never had a face to face relationship with him. I only saw him once at a distance when he spoke at Brown University where I was an undergraduate student. But there are two things about his way of being, about his life that really have influenced mine. One, is that willingness to look at things from a completely fresh perspective.

Hence, he’s the man who coined the expression “Spaceship Earth”, like that we’re all on this together, and pointed out that it didn’t come with an operating manual. Part of the reason humanity is here is to figure out how we can cooperate on this spaceship and thrive together. The second, is the point I made in the opening of this series, that a great mentor actually thinks of you and treats you as a colleague, even though you may just be in the early stages of your development.

So there’s a quote here that is attributed to Bucky and I’d like to read it to you because it really makes this point. 

“Never forget that you are one of a kind. Never forget that if there weren’t any need for you in all your uniqueness to be on this Earth, you wouldn’t be here in the first place,and never forget, no matter how overwhelming life’s challenges and problems seem to be, that one person can make a difference in the world. In fact, it is always because of one person that all the changes that matter in the world come about.” 

So, be that one person. 

R Buckminster Fuller, one of the great mentors in my life now being shared with you. May you enjoy the presence and the wisdom of Bucky in your life, too.

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Ron Kaufman
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