Uplifting Blog

The Secret to Delivering SERVICE EXCELLENCE


How can you get ahead of your competition and stay there? At the end of the day, your business lives and dies based on its service. Why? Because service is creating value for someone else, and the only way a business ever turns a profit is by creating more value.

So if you want to be the first choice for customers, employees, vendors, and partners today and tomorrow (and beyond!)… you need to build a culture that excels at producing ever more value. That’s how you keep your competitors playing catch-up, while you keep expenses low, revenue high, and customers happy.

Watch the video to see what I mean…

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

So wait a minute. Wait a minute. Where is the uplifting service if these six levels keep slipping down? Well, then, uplifting is a moving target. Uplifting means that wherever you are, you’re going to take the next step up. So if your chapter is performing a certain way, we’re not asking you to go, “Unbelievable!” You just got to get the next step up. If your conversion of visitors to becoming new members isn’t quite where you want it to be, you want to take the next step up.

If you’re only making a call in the seventh month instead of actually calling every month, by the time you get to the seventh month, there’s not even a question about whether somebody is going to stay. You just need to take the next step up. Right. So let’s put these together. If service is taking action to create value for someone else and uplifting service is taking the next step, then what is uplifting service?

Say it with me, “Up.” Say it with me. Ready? Go. Uplifting service is taking the next action to create more value for. And maybe it’s not just someone else. Maybe in the era of 2022, as BNI is leading the world, launching love worldwide, maybe it should actually be someone you care about. Alright? I’m glad to see all your phones up to catch this.

Now, I want you to say it at one time, but I want you to, like, say it from your heart, like you really understand what it means and say it to your partner. Are you ready? Everyone, take a deep breath, because this is the “Increasing Your Value With Uplifting Service’.

What is an uplifting service? Ready? Go. Uplifting service is taking the next action to create more value for someone you care about. How do you feel about that?

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Ron Kaufman
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