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This Common Customer Service Rule is HOGWASH


When it comes to providing consistently excellent service, many organizations run into this problems: It’s REALLY hard to explain to employees what “good service” means in every situation.

So organizations default to “rules” that SOUND good. Like this one, which I bet you’ve heard: “Serve others the way YOU would like to be served.” 

Sounds reasonable, right? Should help your team make good service decisions? WRONG! 

As a guideline to help your team deliver a great service experience for EVERY customer, this rule is hogwash! Watch the video to see why – and what service rule WILL help your team improve their service.

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Have you ever heard the phrase “Treat other people the way you would like to be treated”, “Serve other people the way you would like to be served”? Sometimes that’s called the golden rule. 

What a load of hogwash. If you serve other people the way you want to be served, that assumes that they are like you. I got news for you. Other people are not like you. They’re like them. 

What’s the right rule to follow? 

Serve other people the way they would like to be served. That’s not a golden rule. Maybe it’s a diamond rule or platinum rule, but it makes a lot more sense. 

Now, some of you will say, “Oh, Ron, you’re misunderstanding.” The golden rule says treat other people the way you would like to be served if you were in the same situation. But the fact is, you can never be in the same situation because each of us is unique. Each of us is different. We have different backgrounds, different history, different culture, different expectations. 

So forget about this “Serve other people the way you would like to be served”. If you’re a service provider and you want to win in this world, serve other people the way they would like to be served.

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Ron Kaufman
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