Uplifting Blog

Use the Six Levels of Service to Exceed Customer Expectations


How to delight your customers every time they interact with your business:

Organizations looking to level up their service often make this mistake: They focus first on their internal processes, operating procedures, and team behaviors.

The problem? None of that can tell you what’s most important when it comes to service — how your customer experiences the service you provide.

That’s why one of the FIR frameworks I teach new clients and their teams is the Six Levels of Service. The Six Levels of Service helps you understand how good or bad your service is right now – from your customer’s point of view. Watch the video to discover how to apply them in YOUR organization…

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It’s called the six levels of service, and it starts low with the word “basic”. What does that mean? Bare minimum. Does that ever happen? Yeah. And when it does, the experience someone else gets is just basic. It goes like this. Basic. Everyone go How do you feel? Well, just saying it brings you down, and that’s not where you want to be.

So let’s take one step up and now we’re talking industry average. Compliant. Tick the box. Make sure everything is done according to the service level agreement. Meet the specifications. Do what is expected. Here’s how you say this. Cross your arms, please. Everybody, cross your arms. Take the sound of your voice and movement in your nose like this. Expected.

Now, that’s not where you want to be. So let’s take another step. When you serve someone the way they like it, the way they hope for the way they prefer, then the word is “desired”. And here’s how to say it. Take your shoulders and roll them. Ready, everybody. Roll your shoulders. Come on. Morning exercise. Here you go. Roll. Roll. Roll. What’s the matter? Your shoulders broken, sir? Yeah. There we go. Okay. And now add the sound like this. Desired. Ready? One, two, three. Go. Tell your partner how well he did that. We have three levels. Ready? Down low is basic. Cross your arms. Expected. Shoulders. Desired.

What’s higher than desired? When you serve someone in a way that’s unexpected. But they like it. It’s like getting a little gift. And they go. “Oh, what a nice surprise.” Take your hands and go like this. Surprising. Ready? One, two, three. Surprising. Very good.

What’s higher than surprising? Astonishing. Extraordinary. Incredible. Amazing. I call it “Unbelievable”. And here’s how you say it. One, two. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I got a bunch of people going “Hold on, hold on. What’s on the bottom?” What’s below basic? Terrible, unacceptable, horrible.

So bad I make a little joke, and I call it “Criminal”. I don’t mean break the law. Did you see ethics up there? Uh-uh. But I do mean break a promise. Have you ever had someone in this room say to you, I’ll call you back this afternoon? And you did not get the call Now, they may say, oh, that’s expected, but the experience you have is that someone let you down. We’re going to go out into the world with a brand new, gorgeous, delicious, incredible market record setting brand with a promise that says integrated, complete PFA from cradle to grave. If we don’t deliver on that, what level could that be for our customers? Below the bare minimum.

Here’s how to say it. Put your hands together like handcuffs. Ready? Everybody go like this. Criminal. One, two, three. Criminal. One step up. Basic. Cross your arms. Expected. Shoulders. Desired. Hands. Surprising. Fists. Unbelievable. Come on, give me one. A, B, C. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. One, two, three.

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Ron Kaufman
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