Uplifting Blog

What is Ron Kaufman’s Ultimate Goal in Life?

I have been blessed and uplifted by strong role mentors and role models in my life and have carried these lessons and values all over the world.

Now here’s what I want to do with the REST of my life. What do YOU want to contribute with yours? Watch this podcast to discover my devotion to our world’s future well-being through Authentic Care. 

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

John: I always ask like, “What are you committed to over the next 20 years?” What’s the goal that you want to accomplish?  

Ron: Thank you. First of all, how much I appreciate the question. Okay, I would say that when I look at my life, I can’t think of someone who has been more graciously blessed and enabled and privileged. I mean, I had a grandmother who taught kindergarten for 40 years, and I was like her in-house kindergarten. My mom taught high school but what she taught was values clarification. I went to an ivy league college, but I spent two years of that in Europe studying history. I was there when ultimate frisbee was created, and I’m one of the guys that took it all over the world. I got entered into the ultimate frisbee hall of fame because I took frisbee all over the place. You didn’t even know this stuff about me right. Then the little country of Singapore invites me here 30 years ago, and I get to contribute to the development of an entire nation. The world of customer service grows over 30 years. I get to contribute to it as an authentic intellectual property designer. I mean OMG! Right and here I sit. I’m a scuba diver and I’ve done 2000 dives, that’s how I met my wife. I mean I couldn’t have been more grateful and we’ve got a 24-year-old daughter who’s committed to social justice and she’s applying to law school right now and she’s an advocate for humanity. Oh my gosh right so what’s next? 

I would say that the calibre and the quality of mentoring that I’ve been privileged to experience and I’ve invested a lot of money over the years for a lot of people to teach me a lot of things. And not just teach me like here learn this but like actually care about me. Actually, watch the way I was learning and intervene and coach me and do you really know good quality intellectual, philosophical, biological, historical, cultural education. I feel a sense of responsibility to take that understanding, which I think people could hear woven through our whole conversation about what it is to be human. 

What is it to be human? I’m not talking about some pop dogma version. What is it to be human? It’s not very well taught in school right now. And I think I’m the kind of educator who can do that as I did with service because that’s an abstract phenomenon. But I was able to chunk it down so that not only could people see how I uplift and improve my service but how do I build a culture of service. Here let me show you how I wrote a book. I can give you all the technology, all the videos etc. I want to do that same thing now with how I live a life that contributes to well-being. How do I serve better, care more, and love life? And when we say love life, it’s what you and I were talking about by contributing to make a difference that matters. So that’s what I’m up to, and it will take a couple of decades. And you know when this particular run is over like everybody’s is because we’re mortal if I can leave behind a legacy of intellectual property that’s available and accessible to the world where somebody else in Nicaragua or somewhere else wants to go learn about, that it’s right there waiting for you.

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Ron Kaufman
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