Uplifting Blog

What Never Changes (and Always Matters) In Your Organization


Is AI going to take all the jobs?? It’s a common question, but it’s the WRONG one to ask. Here’s why.

Jobs are going to change, no matter what. New technology guarantees it. And we don’t necessarily want to stop progress – even if we could.

But we DO need to adapt. And that means using human beings to do the things that only humans do best. And what humans do best is SERVE, CARE, and LOVE.

Technology can support and aid your team as they serve. But a robot cannot replace the human touch. So instead of worrying about robots taking our jobs… let’s ask how WE can become better service providers. And let’s prioritize putting human beings into the roles where the human touch matters most.

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One of my favorite lines was from the woman who runs NASSCOM, and she said, “You know, we shouldn’t be talking about saving jobs. We should be talking about saving people.” Because the jobs are going to change. If you’re trying to hang on to that job, you’re actually retarding progress. What you want to do is show people it’s okay for the job to morph. I have to teach you how to still be a more valuable service provider. Let me give you a couple of examples. Yeah? Okay. Let’s say you have an elderly parent and, you know, you need to go to work and your kid’s going to go to school. But you want your parent to be well taken care of. And so that means you want somebody to be able to know, you know, the sensors. If she’s okay, and the right food is being brought, and she’s watching the kind of things, and she’s connecting with other people for conversations. And do you want that managed by a robot? Not really, right? You want that managed by a real human being who can pay attention to. But you want the technology to support that human being like crazy, so that even if it’s a new person, they’ve already been brought up to speed on your mother’s interests or hobbies or friends what she should and shouldn’t eat. Well, you know, even to the point of recognizing certain facial expressions, certain favorite terms that she likes to use. Tech can provide all that, but we want the human, right? Now, let’s change from your mom to your child. Do you even want a robot close to your child? No. Right? So, think about all the jobs that are available there on the human side. Right now, our teacher to student ratio is like 1 to 30 in some parts of the world, some places even more. Yeah. It should be 1 to 2. 1 to 3. And every single one of those people should be incredibly enabled to focus on that child because they already know what’s the child’s strengths. What are they up to? What are they learning? Where are they having difficulty? How can I support them? Now that starts to bring forth a society we all want to see.

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Ron Kaufman
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