Uplifting Blog

What Successful Leaders MUST Understand About Businesses


When I was a kid, good service was a priority for most industries. But as businesses became more focused on profit, efficiency, and automation, good service went by the wayside.

Not great for customers. But this created a huge opportunity for organizations that maintained a focus on good service.

Businesses that prioritized amazing customer experiences stood out. And that earned them an unbeatable advantage in the marketplace.

Industry has gone through this cycle multiple times in the course of my career. Sometimes service gets cut in the name of profit and efficiency. But organizations ALWAYS circle back to a focus on service.

That’s because good service is a business fundamental. And a strong service culture supports and enables better financial performance. Organizations that fail to understand this risk a long, slow decline.

Today we’re in the midst of another evolution of business and service. And that means another huge opportunity for your organization to strand and perform better.

So what is this new evolution of service? And how can YOUR organization take advantage of this moment to create long-lasting success?

✅ Watch the video to find out!

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

And, you know, one of the things that’s really nice about Singapore is being multiracial, being multi-ethnic, being multi-religious, being very small in a very big neighborhood. It means that everybody here needs to not only get along. We have to actually care about each other’s well-being and success. So, you know, you can use the words harmony and community care, but here it’s real. And the government and the population and business and the nonprofit organizations genuinely collaborate with each other to make this place work. That’s a form of service. That’s beautiful and that’s uniting, right? It’s everybody together towards the same vision. It’s like a business, right? If you can get that purpose, those values right, and everybody’s moving towards the same goal, that’s what, that’s really what everybody’s trying to do, right? And you know what? Like a business, I mean, it’s often referred to as Singapore Inc because it’s so well integrated and it’s so small and so well organized and managed. But also, a business needs to take care of its suppliers, needs to take care of its government regulators. It needs to work within its ecological niche, it needs to work with its customers and with its colleagues and the communities where it exists. So, it’s the same thing going on for any business. It’s just that a business that only thinks about PNL or bottom line is missing what a business really is. It’s a part of society.

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Ron Kaufman
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