Uplifting Blog

What You Need to Know BEFORE You Can Be the Leader In Your Field


If you want to solve big problems, invent new solutions, and make a bigger impact on your industry AND the world… don’t start by imagining the future!

First, look to the past! You need to study where your industry has been before you can figure out where it is and needs to go. And you need to understand how human beings throughout history have solved the problems related to your field of concern.

Only then can you and your organization offer truly innovative solutions that will change your industry (and the world!) for the better.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

How do you actually stay always on point and always up-to-date with things and always, even not up to date, it’s in advance of things, you know. How do you do that? How do you always think forward? So actually, it’s intriguing because the answer to that, I see, is quite counterintuitive. What so few people do in a really responsible, vigorous way today, I see, is they’re interested in some area and they want to know what’s next, but they haven’t done a good study of what was before. And so, unless you have an understanding of the way in which some element of our world, our culture, our mechanisms, our industries have evolved, then you’re not aware of this history of innovation that’s been going on for centuries in whatever your field may be. Now, your field, you say, “No, my field didn’t exist before.” No, but the human concern that your field addresses, that existed before. How did people take care of it back then? And then more recently? And then what’s the current practice? And then on that foundation you can ask, what’s continuing to evolve? How is new technology affecting that? What new value is being created? What new issues or problems are being created? And then you’re out at the forefront of innovation looking at what’s coming next, but you’re doing it from a solid foundation of an entire discourse that’s evolved over years. That makes you a far more proficient observer and potential innovator.

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Ron Kaufman
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