Uplifting Blog

What Your Customers REALLY Want (and how to give it to them)


What do your customers REALLY want??

They want MORE – more connection, more community, and more care. And if your organization can figure out how to deliver THAT, you’ll thrive – even during the most challenging times.

That’s a lesson my clients at LUX* have learned exceptionally well.

In recent years, LUX* has launched three new brands, all designed to offer guests a deeper level of connection to the local community, to the LUX* team, and to one another. 

The result?  The LUX* Collective’s fortunes have soared – despite the massive  impact of the pandemic on the tourism industry.

Watch this video to learn how the new Tea Horse Road brand fosters more authenticity and connection for LUX* guests.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Ron: So your Tea Horse Road Projects that will flourish throughout China. You’re looking at these as not being resorts isolated from the community, but having a permeable space, if you will, where there can be exchange between.

Nitesh: Absolutely.So, you know, in LUX*The resort is the destination. Okay. Yeah. In Tea Horse Road, the resorts are just the charging points.The destination is the travel over there. When you walk or when you go from one point to the other point, when you meet all this local ethnic minority group, more than 25 of them over there.That’s the experience over there.So, of course, we’ve got to bring– 

Ron: So the destination is the journey. Absolutely. And the location is, as you called it, a charging pointExactly.It’s a place to come in, be taken care of, be cared about.

Nitesh: Get recharge Next day, here we go! That’s what we’re doing, you know.

Ron: And to be a charging point for the community itself.

Nitesh: Absolutely. And they feel proud. We have got Daju Village Hotel, and it’s right in the center of the village. Stone Town. Right in the center of the village.The village people are doing the service over there.

Ron: And they love it.They’re delighted that you’ve come. AbsolutelyIt’s an extraordinary positioning of a brand as being flourishing for the well-being of the community, because you care about what matters, not only for the guests that are the visitors, but for the people who are there. In fact, them first.

Nitesh: Absolutely.

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Ron Kaufman
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