Uplifting Blog

What Your Team MUST Understand to Deliver Service Excellence


When your teams deliver customer service, they’re working within an existing system of service standards, service processes, Service Level Agreements, KPIs, and more…

All those systems are intended to maintain and/or improve quality of service. But here’s the problem: organizations rarely consider the effect of those systems on the customer experience.

And without understanding that, it’s impossible for your team to make MEANINGFUL service improvements.

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It’s so clear for every single person to understand. It doesn’t matter what different perspective you might have on it or different experiences, because just what you said, taking action to create value is such a, it’s so clear, it’s so straightforward and easy to know what to do with that. Do you know what I mean? In terms of everybody knowing how to align on that. Well, let’s let’s talk about that, because when you say easy to know what to do about that or to implement that and not always because people work generally within existing systems and there’s processes and there’s standards and there’s service level agreements and there’s KPIs and there’s evaluation criteria and targets and budgets and all that stuff. And the purpose of all of that ultimately is to create value for the customer. But they’re not always well-educated or trained or adept at actually thinking about what is the customer’s experience. What is it like for the customer to be on the receiving side of all that system and process and KPI and SLA, etc.? And so a lot of the work that we do is to help people place themselves, if you will, in the customer’s shoes and see the world from their point of view. And then from that recipient’s point of view, do an honest evaluation of what is the quality of service that they’re receiving. And that’s the, really the first principle that allows an emergence of a self assessment and a curiosity and then an ambition and an aspiration and a desire to step up.

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Ron Kaufman
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