Uplifting Blog

What’s Love Got to Do with Leadership?


Want to lead your organization to long lasting success? Don’t overlook this. The world (and business) is changing fast. Customers and employees expect more from your organization. And the old keys to business success are no longer enough.

That means no more business as usual. No more profits over people. No more winning at all costs. So what do you need to do instead? Serve. Care. Love.

We are people working with, surrounded by, and providing value for other people. And we must remember that our organizations exist to serve others, create more value, and take better care of our people, our communities, and our shared world.

Doing so is the difference between a business that employees want to work at and customers choose to return to…and a business that churns through customers and employees.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

I changed my own personal branding a few years ago Okay. from “Ron Kaufman. Uplifting Service guru”, etc. I’m still that, but it literally now says, if you go to my website at ronkaufman.com it says “Ron Kaufman. Serve. Care. Love.” Serve. Serve better. Step up, take action, create more value, learn how. Care. Care more. Care more about the well-being of other people and then to take good care, go back to serve. But the love is not like romantic intimacy. That’s one type of love. For me, it’s love life. Love your life. We’re mortal. We’re not going to be here forever. We have this amazing time to be alive. Please do what you love with your life and express that love to others.


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Ron Kaufman
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