Uplifting Blog

Why a Happy Team Means Happy Customers


This should be the driving force behind every decision made in your organization.

It’s not about earning more revenue or expanding market share or building your brand reputation. It’s not even providing “better customer service.”

So what is this driving force? The well-being of every person that comes in contact with your organization.

Not only is this better for your customers, your team members, the community you serve, and humanity as a whole… but when you center the well-being of others, you start to generate the ideas and make the decisions that result in things like better customer service, better customer experience, more buyers, more repeat customers, and more customer loyalty.

And that is how you achieve a better brand reputation, higher revenue, expanded market share, and all the other performance goals your organization has set for itself.

It all starts with taking care. Because when you take care of yourself and others, you naturally serve better. And better service is how great organizations attain and sustain success.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

Ron, and how important do you think it is for each individual to start caring for themselves first? Not in a selfish way, but in order to equip themselves with the ability to care for others? Paul, what connects the idea of service and the idea of care is the phenomenon of well-being. So with my definition of “Service is taking action to create value for someone.” What makes it valuable? Somebody says, “I like it. You gave me something that I wanted.” “It made my life richer.” “You contributed to my well-being.” Well, care is concern and commitment to someone’s well-being. So then what well-being are we talking about in a commercial situation? It’s your customer. Or in the case of hospitality, it’s a guest. In a medical care, it’s a patient. We need the well-being of that person, your guest, all their family members, the well-being of our team members so we thrive in a successful culture, the well-being of the communities, so that the community is glad that our properties are located there. And who’s at the core of all that? Each human being. That points to the well-being of oneself. And that’s where you’re starting from. And you’re right.

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Ron Kaufman
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