Uplifting Blog

Why a Strong Service Culture Is ESSENTIAL for Employee Retention


Everyone wants superstar employees… but do you know what it takes to build a team of them? Superstar employees are the ones who go above and beyond every day. On most teams there are just one or two employees like this – at most!

And if you’ve ever wondered why you can’t find more employees like that one… guess what? The problem isn’t your employees; the problem is your culture.

If your service culture doesn’t encourage, teach, and support everyone to step up with better service and performance, then your team’s performance will be forever dependent on the luck of the draw.

Because while you might luck out and find a superstar among the group, one superstar cannot create sustainable performance for your team OR your organization.

What to do instead? Focus on creating a service culture that attracts, enables, and rewards above-and-beyond behavior. And when you do, you’ll soon be overflowing with superstar employees.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

So, excellent service is an assessment. It’s an opinion that someone has. “I got excellent service.” or “We gave excellent service, and we know we did because we got a compliment.” or “We got a five star review.” or a repeat purchase, for example. So, excellent service is the experience, it’s the actions that you take that produce the experience for someone where they say, “You gave me an excellent experience. You gave me excellent service.” And when you teach people how to do that, you give them the tools and the time, etc., and the support, they can provide excellent service. But a service culture is an entire organizational environment that is constantly educating, recognizing, communicating to, enabling, promoting, empowering, reinforcing, and rewarding people to give excellent service to other people, internally to each other as well as externally to customers or to clients, or whatever they may be called. So, these are not the same thing. Now, let me show you why they’re different and how they’re connected. Is it possible to have someone in an organization who is a service hero, or a superstar? They give great, they give excellent service. Even if the culture of the organization is not an excellent service culture. Is that possible? Yes, it is. But is it sustainable? No, not really. Why? Because that superstar is either going to realize, “Hey, nobody else around here is doing this.” and they’re going to go somewhere else, or they’re going to burn out, or they’re just going to continue to be the one hero superstar. If you want to do it in a sustainable manner, then you’ve got to create a cultural environment that develops people and attracts new people who either are superstars or want to be superstars and then it gives them all the support that they need where they live with a sense of pride and enthusiasm and the passion for continuous improvement as something that they share. That’s a service culture that delivers excellent service performance.

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Ron Kaufman
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