Uplifting Blog

Why Businesses Can No Longer Ignore Service and Care


Changes are coming fast and furious – and no business can afford to stand still.

Here’s how a focus on service keeps you agile:

More and more organizations have embraced the importance of sustainability.

Why? Because more and more, their customers, their employees, and their communities insist on it!

In the face of climate change, public health crises, economic upheaval, and political unrest, people are more committed than ever to working only with organizations that benefit our planet and our society. I firmly believe that this trend will only continue. And that means the organizations that prioritize uplifting service and authentic care are poised to succeed in the coming years.

These organizations think about service broadly – not just serving their customers, but also their employees, their communities, and the planet. And they take seriously their commitment to contributing to the future well-being of everyone they serve.

And because maintaining a standard of outstanding service requires continuous innovation and improvement these organizations have developed a culture and skillset that will enable them to remain fast, efficient, and flexible no matter what changes lie ahead. Watch the video to learn more…

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

The big question is how do we as a species evolve who and how we are in this unique ecology called Planet Earth? Right? And I think there’s actually  a wonderful thing happening right now that’s going to cause us as communicating beings to be able to do something  we’ve never really done before.  And so you hear people talk about climate change  with a tremendous amount of fear,  and it’s well grounded because it’s going to dramatically and drastically impact people all over the world. It already is.  It already is. But we’re seeing right now in this era at this time,  that humanity is starting to say,  “Wait a minute, we need to make the most powerful actors in the world fully accountable and responsible  for the impact  that they’re having on this thing that we all share.” And so you’re getting some of the largest organizations on the planet  who are now not only declaring, “Look,  whatever the politicians may say,  we’re going to commit to certain climate goals  and we’re going to tie all executive compensation to our performance on the goal.” So it’s not just a declaration, it’s got to be actual performance. Now ask them why they are doing that?  Because young people don’t want to work at an organization that isn’t doing it. Investors  don’t want to put their money or get returns from an organization that isn’t doing it.  And this is going to be global.  Now, this is going to give us an opportunity to learn, “Hey, guys, you know,  we got to take care of what we all share.” Well, the other thing we all share is all of us being here. So when you look at a country like India  with hundreds of millions of children who aren’t being educated well yet,  or you look at a continent like Africa where the population is going to continue to expand,  but where’s the educational provision, right? We just have not yet tasked ourselves with the algorithms for A.I. to be able to say, look, here’s the outcome we want to achieve. Healthy well-being for the ecology that we all share –  two, three, or four generations from now. Which means you can’t leave anybody out because they’re part of what’s impacting  the experience of life. And so I’m a great optimist, as you can tell.  And I think that we have exactly the moment right now to each one of us be fascinated and delighted about how humanity is evolving.

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Ron Kaufman
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