Uplifting Blog

Win More Sales and More Profits by Creating More Value


Can you win more repeat customers without having the BEST product? You might be surprised by the answer!

Service is taking action to create value for someone else. And the VALUE of your action is determined by your customer!

So you could add features and refinements to make your product better. But if your customer doesn’t value those features, they don’t really matter.

So instead of thinking about how to make the “best” product, consider how you can provide the service experience your customer values MOST at any given moment.

Sometimes that will mean improving your primary product, but your primary product is just ONE category of value. There are four categories of value altogether. And you need to pay close attention to all four!

Watch the video to discover the other three categories and how they fit together.

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Below is an Autogenerated Transcript

How many of you like pizza? Is that a good pizza? I’m so. Okay. You’re vegetarian. Is that a good pizza? No. You want the meat? Is that a good pizza? Okay, we’re getting better, but nobody’s going, “Wow! Great pizza.” What if you want “Wow! Great pizza!”? Like, what if you actually want to take your family to some place in the world where you can actually get the world’s best award winning pizza? You know what I mean. You want, like, at least once in your life, you want to take the kids, the family, to have the experience where you’re going to bite into the thin crust, the fresh mozzarella, the spicy olive, the delicious. Mwah! Where do you go to get that pizza? Hm, Italy. By the way, Italians do not say Italy. They know it’s Italy. Italians say Napoli. People who live in Napoli don’t say Napoli. They know it’s Napoli. They say Sorbillos because in Napoli is a pizza restaurant called Sorbillos that has won the award for best pizza on the planet more times than any other restaurant in the world. Take a deep breath. Oh. How many of you when I said, “Where do you get the best pizza in the world?”, your mind went here. Anybody? Really? Sweetie, you need to go to Sorbillos. Does Pizza Hut make the best pizza in the world? Not really, right? Do they sell a lot of pizza? Okay. Now, hold on. You confused me. If they’re not selling the world’s best pizza, how come they were able to sell so much pizza? Well, look, if you want this pizza, you’re going to have to fly to Italy, get to Napoli, stay in a hotel, go to Sorbillos, hopefully with a reservation, meet the waiters, sit at your table, place the order, and then you can have the pizza. If you have two children on the weekend and they’re hungry, what are you going to do? Pick up the phone. So, we have two different categories of value. One category is the quality of the pizza. That’s the product. But we have another category of the v-v-v-v-v-value, which is the ease, the speed, the convenience of the delivery of the product.

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Ron Kaufman
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